Chapter Sixteen: Interuption

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We all sat up in my room on the bed. Hiding from the party Adam had decided to throw. My stomach growled.

"I'm going to go down and steal some food. Anybody want any thing?" I asked as I stood up.

"Booze." The girls said in unison.

"And I want those cool cheesy crisps!" Ab grinned.

I chuckled and turned to Adrien. He looked gorgeous just lay on my bed.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him.

"No I am fine." He smiled.

I turned and left. I walked downstairs, pushing past people. I got into the lounge. I saw Adam and some blonde girl on the couch. Playing tongue hockey. I felt a little something inside me. Like a pinch. I was so stupid. I believed that he cared about me the same way I had a slight crush on him. A few hours ago we nearly kissed. But to him it was just another girl to snog. It meant nothing to him. I meant nothing to him. And that hurt. 

I walked to the table, grabbed a bowl of the cheesy crisps and a bottle of white rum. I began to walk back up to my room, escaping the awful music and smell of weed. I think seeing Adam and that girl has brought me into reality.

He's a player. I don't ,mean anything to him. I have Adrien. It was a stupid little crush. Which I am now entirely over. I handed Ab the crisps and then sat on the bed. Adrien opened his arms and I snuggled up to him. He was what I needed. What I want. My boyfriend. Not my brother. I opened the bottle and took a swig. 

I handed it over to Grace and once she had some we passed it around. 

A few hours passed and Grace, Carla and Ab had passed out on my bed. Adrien and I stumbled over to the beanbag I had in the corner of my room. As soon as I sat down Adrien crushed his lips on mine. I quickly responded and explored his mouth with my tongue. I never get tired of his taste. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down onto me. 

His hand slid under my top and he moved his hands up and over my skin to my boobs. My skin tingled at his touch. He stroked the lace of my bra and let out a small moan as I nibbled on his lip. He slid off my top and threw it somewhere. He left a small trail of kisses down my cheek, jaw and neck. Then he found my weak spot and bit and sucked. Once he was satisfied he moved back up to my lips. My turn. 

I turned us, so I was on him. I had one leg on either side of him. I sat on his crotch and slid up and down slightly. He let out a moan and I leaned forward and tucked at one of his snakebites. I began to unbutton his shirt and traced my hands down his incredible abs. I moved my hands up and locked then in his hair. I began to suck his neck and he pressed me closer to him. He slided his hands up to my back and unhooked my bra. I pulled back from him. Both of us were breathless and panting.

I took one of my bra straps and slid it down my arm to my elbow. I did the same with the other. Just as I was about to slide both my arms out the door burst open. The light from the opened door fell on us. We both looked up shocked. A drunk blonde stood there with a shocked looking Adam.

"Ooops. Sorry guys." Giggled the blonde then she closed the door. 

I looked down to Adrien.

"Well... That ruined the moment a little bit." He muttered.

I laughed. 

"Yeah. A little bit."

He chuckled and yawned. I got up off him and pushed my bra straps up. I went over to my wardrobe and got pajama pants and a black vest top. Adrien got up off the bean bag and walked over to his bag. I turned around and when I looked back he was on the bean bag wearing only grey sweats. He flashed me a smile which I automatically returned. 

I went into the wardrobe and changed then came back out. I glanced over to the bed. Grace had moved in her sleep and so had Carla and Ab. Looks like Adrien and I are taking the beanbag. I looked back to him and he opened his arms. I crawled next to him and snuggled close to his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around me. 

What would of happened if Adam and that blonde girl hadn't of walked in? Why did Adam have on that confused, angry, hurt, shocked expression. He was looking for a room to screw the blonde. He can't be upset by me and Adrien. 

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