Chapter Six: Comfort

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I opened my eyes and waited until they fully adjusted. Finally everything stopped being fuzzy and came into focus. Strong arms were wrapped around me and my head was resting on something rock hard. Adam. I looked up to see his sparkling blue eyes.

"Good morning." He smiled, not the crooked annoying one, a proper smile. One that made my heart miss a few beats. 

"Morning." I replied. My voice was croaky and flat. I attempted to smile but I couldn't. 

Adam stared at me, understanding in his eyes. He pulled me closer and his thumb began to trace circles on my arms.

"When my mum died, I couldn't smile or show emotion for weeks." His said gently. 

"So I'm being normal?" I asked. My voice still not my voice.

"For the first time in a long time." He joked. His chest moved up and down, I felt it as my head followed the rhythm of his laugh. He stopped. "I'm sorry. That wasn't appropriate." 

"It's okay."

"No, its not. How are you feeling?"

"Empty. Numb. It's like... Like there is nothing inside of me." I replied. It was the truth, I can't feel anything. The only feeling I had was him. All I could feel was his warmth, his muscles, his body. The thing that worries me is part of me likes that feeling of him. A lot.

"I felt the same way when my mum died. It takes time, but you will feel better. You still have your mum and sister. They'll support you. My dad will support you, even if he's off with work." He paused.

I honestly didn't think about the other people. It made me feel a bit better. 

"And I will be here for you. To help and support you." He continued. "I know it's hard. I know it's painful." He sighed. "But you get through it."

"I just can't believe they left me."

"They haven't. Your dad and Isobel are always with you." He placed his hand on my chest, just over my heart. "Here. They are always there."

Fire burned through me at his touch and electric shot through my body. He pulled his hand back. My skin tingled from his touch.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"It's okay. When are you going to get up?"


"You have to go see your mum and Meg at some point."

"I know. Just not now. In a bit."

I didn't want him to let go of me. I have no idea why. But right now, I wanted to stay with him forever. I'll sort that fucked up problem later.

-Short I know. I'll post the next chapter soon and it'll be longer. Promise. Hope you enjoyed.-

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