Chapter Twenty One: Dream

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"Mmm?" I mumbled into the pillow. 

"Wake up. It's party time."

I looked up to see Grace standing over me wearing her New Year slut outfit. 

"You must've been so tired!" She laughed. "Ah well, come on. Adrien and Carla and Ab are already downstairs. The party is in full swing apparently."

Judging by the loud music and noise Grace was right.

I can't believe that was a dream. It felt so real. I found myself slightly disappointed that I hadn't kissed Adam. I got up and linked arms with Grace. We walked down together and got a few wolf whistles along the way. We finally made it into the lounge and spotted Adrien, Carla and Ab. Matt was there too. We walked over. Their mouth dropped when they saw us.

"You guys look so hot!" Ab shouted over the music. 

"You do too!" I replied. 

Ab was wearing a short tight black dress. Carla wore the same but in black. I looked at Adrien and my mouth dropped. A minute ago he was wearing red jeans and a black top. The top was now gone. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"You look so hot." He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but grin and feel slight shudders. He just had such a sexy accent! I gave him a quick kiss and then greeted Matt.

"You guys want drinks?" I asked and they all nodded in response.  

"I'll help you with them." Grace smiled and we went into the kitchen together.

"Have you seen how many people have been checking you out?!" She grinned at me. 

"A few less compared to you!" I replied. 

"Pfft. You look hotter."  

"No way." 

"Yeah way." 

"I think you both look hot." A voice said.

We turned to see Tom, a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" Grace asked him.

"A dance?" He grinned.

"In your dreams." Grace said as she rolled her eyes, picked up a few cups and turned.

"We do more than dancing in our dreams babe." Tom called after her.

"Shame that it only happens in your head, never in reality!" She called back.

I chuckled and then followed her back to the guys.

I sat down on the couch and the others went off to dance. Except Adrien. He stayed.

"Hey." He grinned showing his perfect white teeth. 

"Hey." I smiled back. 

"How come your dressed like you are tonight?" He asked.

I shrugged.  

"Wanted to look like a slag for a night I guessed. Do you not like it?" 

"I like it alot." He replied. "Maybe a bit too much."

I laughed and pressed my lips to his. I couldn't help but think of my dream... How incredible kissing Adam had felt. Damn you brain. I have an amazing person kissing me right now! Why you no want him? My brain is such a dumbass.  

I am not. 

You are so. 

Stop talking to yourself. 

You're right. Back to kissing my incredible French boyfriend.

An hour later, after two lamps broken, too many shit songs played, five shots and being hot on 15 times (I was counting) we were lying on the grass outside.

"We make such good slags." Grace commented and I laughed. 

"You should show your body off and dance on me like you did a lot more." Adrien whispered in my ear, I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

I hadn't seen Adam all night. I still couldn't get the dream I had out my head.

"I'm going to go get a drink." I said as I stood up.

I fought passed the people and finally got myself a drink. I took a gulp of my vodka and coke.


"Yeah?" I said turning around to see Adam. He had red marks over his neck. Love bites. 

"You look like such a whore." 

"I know. That was the idea of the outfit." 

He raised an eyebrow.

"You shouldn't flash you're body about like that." He said staring deep into my eyes.

"Why not?"

"Because it's hideous."

He turned around and walked out. I leant back on the counter and sighed. Things went a lot better in my dream. This is a nightmare compared.

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