Chapter Twenty Three: Comfort Ruined

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Adam dropped his arms so he was no longer hugging me. I felt a lot colder and exposed out of them. Wait what am I thinking?! It's just cause it cold. My God Amy don't get attached to him again. You don't like being in his muscular arms. Nope. No you don't. Absolutely not.

"So..." Adam said scratching the back of his head. He'd calmed down. Thank God.

"Yup." I replied popping the "p".

"You enjoying the party?" He asked.

"I was."

"Until that dick tried it on with you." He hissed.

"Actually it was when my friends and boyfriend passed out and left me." I lightly chuckled. "You having a good night?"

"No." He sighed. "Well, I am now."

Please ears tell me he said that.

"How come? There's your type of music booming through the house, loads of booze and plenty of girls drooling over you."

"I suppose." He shrugged.

It felt nice having a conversation with him. After just having spat abuse at each other like before. It was a nice change.

"You look goodnight by the way."

Woah. Did he just say that?!

"How much have you been drinking?" I asked him.

"Not a lot actually." He laughed lightly. "Why?"

"Well you said I looked good."

"You do."

"Though you thought I looked like a whore."

"You do. But a white that look good."

I laughed.

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

He smiled at me. I smiled back. My smile faded when I saw his brows knit together.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"What's that?" He asked pointing at my stomach.

"My tummy..."

"I know that. What's on it?"

"A belly button."

He rolled his eyes, obviously not satisfied with my answers. I was trying to avoid answering his question. My plan was not going to well.

"The scar you dummy. How'd you get that?"

"I fell." I quickly replied while crossing my arms over the scar. It wasn't that noticeable, it was so faint. You could only see it if you really looked.

"No you didn't. Tell me how you really got it."


"No cat claws could do that."

"Bitch fight."

"For Gods sake just tell me how you got that damn scar!" He said exasperated.

"Fine." I sighed. "I used to be bulimic. When I didn't throw up from my binges, I would cut my stomach as punishment."

He looked shocked. And speechless. That's a rare sight, Adam Fines speechless.

"Are you bulimic anymore?"

I shook my head. Grace and Isobell were the only people who knew. And now Adam. Why had I even told him? Oh yeah cause he has this annoying way of making me feel freakishly comfortable and therefore able to tell him things. Damn him and his ability to do that.

"Good. You shouldn't be. You have an amazing figure."

He placed his hands on my arms and pulled them off my stomach. He let them drop and I met his blue eyes. I left my arms hanging down by my sides, lost in his eyes. A warm hand was placed on my hip. His other hand fell on my other hip. His left hand travelled behind my back and his right hand moved up my stomach. His finger travelled back down and stopped at the scar. He gently stroked it.

"Please don't hurt yourself again. Never hurt yourself. Ever."

My body tingled from where his hand had traced and where his hand was placed. My heart beat had quickened and my stomach flipping.

He gently pulled me towards him and soon our bodies were pressed together. Both his hands wrapped around my waist and mine wrapped around his neck. The whole time never breaking away from his incredible blue eyes. I bit down on my lip, I was enjoying the feel of his body against mine way too much.

"AMY!" A slurred voice shouted.

Adam and I quickly broke apart and the shadow stumbled closer towards us. I knew who it was, I knew the deep sexy French voice, and by the look on Adam's face he knew who it was too.

"Are you okay babe?!" He slurred worried as he pulled me into his arms.

"I'm fine."

Warm lips pressed on my forehead. I shut my eyes and rested my head against Adrien's chest. I inhaled his scent. Adam smelt better. Adrien's smelt so yummy, but Adam smelt so much yummier.

I don't know how long I stood there, hugging Adrien, but when we pulled apart Adam was no where to be seen.

"When did you wake up?" I asked.

"Somebody ran in and told me."

"You look rough. And tired. Go get some more sleep."

"But I don't wanna sleep!" He whined. "I wanna see Jill and Ben!"

I rolled my eyes, after his drinks he'd been banging on about wanting to see Jill and Ben.

"Jill and Ben are in my room, waiting for you. Come on. Up you go." I began leading him to the house.

"I'll go see Jill and Ben! You stay and have fun." He slurred.

"Okay Adrien. In my room remember."

He stumbled into the house. I sighed.

"You alright?" Grace asked.

I jumped, shocked by her presence, causing her to laugh.

"I'm fine. How was it with Tom?"

"He was so nice! It's such a shame he isn't like that all the time."

"Yeah." I agreed.

Grave seemed bubbly and extra-cheery (that means she was beyond incredibly bubbly and cheery) I assumed this was the affect of the nice Tom, rather than consuming more alcohol. Maybe both.

"You like him?" I asked winking.

"I like the real him." She said smiling.

We talked outside about Tom for a while.

"Wait here, I'm gonna go get something for us to drink." I grinned. I refuse to spend New Years sober.

"Okay." She grinned back.

I walked in and through the mass of people. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and turned to go. I froze when the sofa vaugh my eye. Adam was there, bottle in hand, with two blondes eating his neck. He looked drunk and like he was enjoying himself. I felt a stab of hurt and tears tickled my eyes, every time things look up with him they always end up crashing down. I fought back the tears in my eyes and walked back outside to Grace. She grinned when she saw me and the bottle in my hand. I sat down and opened it up.

"Cheers." I said and took a swig.

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