Chapter Twenty: New Years Part Two

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"Let's go be sexy!" Grace grinned and pulled me to the top of the stairs.

We stood at the top and linked arms. The house was packed and loud music pounding. There was a wolf whistle and Grace and I looked to see another Adam identical at the bottom of the stairs.

"You girls are looking good." He said grinning.

"We know." Grace said and began to walk down the stairs. "Too bad we're a couple." She smirked and we walked into the lounge.

I burst into laughter.

"You just told him we were gay together!"

"I know." She replied smiling.

We saw Adrien, Carla and Ab. They smiled and waved us over. I took Grace's hand.

"Come on my lovely girlfriend." I grinned at her and then we made our way over.

Ab and Carla had gone for the same look as us. The whore look. Adrian wore black skinnies and a tight white top, which showed his incredible body. I'm so damn lucky. He looks perfect. He acts perfect. He is perfect. Why would I want anybody else? Why do I want somebody else. Somebody I can't even have and shouldn't want. Adam is my step brother. He's a douche. The kings of douch infact. But he's always on my mind and when we kissed it was incredible. Every kiss with Adrien after the one with Adam, it just doesn't compare.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. It was Ab.

"You look so hot! Can I have your body please?" She smiled and said in my ear.

"Aslong as I get yours." I replied.

I greeted my friends and then turned to my boyfriend. He pulled me into a hug and I felt his breath tickle my neck and ears.

"You look so sexy tonight Amy." He whispered in his sexy ass accent.

"I can say the exact same back to you."

I grinned and pressed my lips against his.

I felt something, there was a tiny spark there. However, with Adam it wasn't a spark, it was full on fireworks.

"Hello sexies."

The girls and I looked at eachother and rolled our eyes.

"Hi Tom." We replied unenthusiasticly.

We talked to Tom for a while. Well I say talked, he flirted and we basically turned him down. It was fun though. He was already smashed, you could tell by the fact his words were slurred.

"Please Amy! Sexy baby! Just one dance!"

I laughed.

"No Tom." I laughed.

Eventually Ab took him off and danced with him. Well I say dance... Grinded is more the term. We were dressed like whores, we may aswell act like it. It's just one night.

An hour later and the party was in full swing. Everybody drunk or tipsy and dancing to the shit music.

I saw Adam and some girl on the couch. Well, Adam on the couch and the girl on top of him. I felt a slight wave of hurt but pushed it off and pushed my body closer to Adrien's. I moved in time to the music and his hands slided from my waist to my bum.

I could see Adam glaring at us. I smirked at him and then crushed my lips against Adrien's. He quickly responded and within a few seconds we were having a full on make out session. I did feel something with him. I wanted him. I began to grind on him again, but I didn't break our kiss. His lips travelled to my neck. I closed my eyes and couldn't help but let a moan escape my lips.

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