Chapter 15

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Harry's POV


My head is fucking pounding.

My eyes are shut but I can tell that it's a lot later than when I'm used to waking up, the sunlight is already pretty strong against my eyelids.

This is what happens when I don't have that fucking bird as an alarm clock.

The brightness from outside hurts my eyes as I slowly peel them open, having to blink a couple of times in order to adjust.

I quickly dart my eyes away from the window and instead gaze at the numerous Elvis posters covering Lia's wall.

This is the first time that I'm really looking at them in the light. Some look old, with little rips and tears in the corners, while others look brand new, sparkling under the early morning sun.

Some of the posters are concert pictures of him in his famous white jumpsuit or jailhouse rock outfit, while others are simply movie posters from his acting days.

Elvis Presley is obviously an important figure to her, considering everything with her dad. She even named her cute fucking cat after him.

I attempt to lift my arms up in a stretch only to realize that something is weighing down my right arm, preventing me from doing so.

Shifting my half-opened eyes beside me, I see the girl who hasn't left my mind since we first met, Ophelia.

She sleeps peacefully. Both of her arms are wrapped tightly around my right arm and are holding it against her chest, snuggling into it.

Her lips are parted slightly with soft breaths escaping them, warming up the patch of skin they're resting against. She looks so content and so peaceful that I can't help but to grin while taking her in.

She looks cute.

I stare at her for a couple moments before my brows furrow as I realize where I currently am and how I got here. I briefly wonder what the hell happened last night before yesterday's events start rushing through my head.

I remember being at home and sending Ava a birthday text, only to get no reply back. I know that she has to be careful when it comes to texting me, but I thought for sure that she would answer me on her birthday, she knew that I would text her.

I have never missed her birthday and especially wouldn't miss this one since she was turning 18.

Holy fuck, she's growing up fast.

I usually never spend her birthday alone, Niall always spends it with me and distracts me from my pathetic, depressing thoughts but this year was obviously a little different.

I called him once and when I was greeted by his voicemail I figured he must be busy with Jenna or Connor so I let him be.

I can't expect him to be at my beck and call, he does have his own life to live rather than just taking care of me and my problems.

Which he's been doing for two years now.

The only thing I could think of doing was to drown my sorrows the only way I knew how. Vodka.

I had found a bottle of this fucking poison shoved in the back of my cupboard and I wasted no time it cracking it open. I sat there helplessly on the floor of my living room, draining the entire thing without even realizing.

Fucking pathetic.

I didn't even notice I had finished the whole fucking bottle until I had raised it up to my lips to continue drinking, only to realize a few drops were left.

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