Chapter 27

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Ophelia's POV

"Please don't hurt him, he needs you."

Those are the words Niall whispered into my ear before he left last night.

It's the next morning now and I'm still in Harry's bed. We didn't move an inch last night, so I woke up in the same position that we passed out in. Harry is still sound asleep on my chest, and as we lay here, I lightly run my fingers through his hair.

My favourite thing to do.

It's early. Way too early for me to be awake right now considering the exhausting fucking night we had but I can't bring myself to sleep anymore, thoughts of last night are still running rampant in my mind.

I haven't been able to wrap my head around what the fuck happened these last 24 hours, and I haven't even had the chance to tell Harry about Victor yet, but I know I'll have to when he wakes up.

That should be fun.

I also haven't even had the time to think about my encounter with Victor myself. I mean he never said his name, but he made it pretty clear that he was the one running the show, so I can only assume.

Being able to see him in the flesh and know who he was only made me want Harry to quit the ring even more. Thinking about Harry working for a man like that sends shivers down my spine. He's so malicious, so cold, so bitter.....nothing like my Harry.

Walking through the door last night into Harry's apartment, I had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side. I still haven't been able to process it. All I know is that it was terrifying and I never want to see Harry go through that again.

I also feel very fucking guilty, because I unknowingly made what he was going through worse by wrapping my arms around him. All I wanted to do was comfort him and help him get his breathing back down, I didn't want to make him suffer anymore than he already was.

I'm the worst girlfriend ever.

It was so scary to watch him disassociate like that. To watch him act like he was in a completely different place, calling out to someone thinking that they were there in the room with was heartbreaking.

I was frozen, it was like he went to a whole other world. The foul-mouthed, playful Harry I've come to really care for and knew was long gone, and was instead replaced by some petrified, broken boy. I could tell he was scared, he didn't know what was happening to him.

Hearing him cry out, asking us what was wrong with him, shattered my heart into a million fucking pieces. He sounded so weak, so scared, and so desperate for an answer. But I couldn't give him one.

And that broke my heart.

Even fucking thinking about it now is making my eyes water. I've never seen him like that before and I never want to ever again.

Niall looked so lost too. All I could see was pain in his eyes as he watched Harry. It seemed like the only thing he could think of to calm Harry down was to get him to speak to the person he loved the most. Ava.

Thank god for Ava. I don't know what Niall said to her to get her to call, but I didn't fucking care. It worked.

She was just what Harry needed in order to ground himself, to bring himself back down to reality.

Although she sported a thick and wobbly voice, she still sounded very cute. And the way she teased Harry made me want to meet her even more. I had a feeling she and I would get along great.

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