Chapter 36

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Harry's POV

"Harry c'mon, you're no fun!"

Since when did not wanting to spontaneously get a dick piercing classify me as no fucking fun?

I lean back into the chair I'm currently sitting in and roll my eyes as we wait for Noah to come back with his sketch, "says the girl who jumps every time she hears the gun go off."

I'm getting a tattoo today, and Lia practically demanded that she come with me and see what it's all about. At first I tried telling her that she couldn't come along unless she also got a tat, or even a piercing, but that just ended with an eye roll and a pinch to my ass.

It was worth a shot.

"Where are you even getting this tattoo? And what is it of?" She asks, her foot tapping nervously against the floor. It's starting to get fucking annoying so I quickly place my hand onto her bouncing knee, ceasing her movements.

My fingers make contact with her bare skin due to the hole in her jeans, and I can't help but to sink in further into the chair. I fucking love the feeling of her skin on mine.

I've never loved that feeling more than when she held me close to her a few nights ago. Our bare chests flush against each other, hands tangled in my hair.....that was everything I fucking needed and so much more.

She knows me so well.

I felt pathetic the next morning, I wanted to just never wake up and face her ever again. I didn't mean to fucking breakdown like that but if anything, I'm glad it was with her and not someone else.

I've always externally shown anger towards my parents. Anger at what they did to me, anger at what they did to Ave, anger at how easy it was for them to abandon me just like that. But I never acknowledged the sadness. I never wanted to acknowledge how hurt I was by it all, I just masked it with anger and hoped that I would just stop fucking thinking about them one day.

Boy, how naive was I?

It fucking hurts when you realize that the people who brought you into this world, suddenly want nothing to do with you anymore. Makes you feel like you don't even want to be on this fucking earth anymore, what would be the point? If the people who created you don't even love you, what are the chances that someone else would?

I was pissed at myself for letting Cole's words get to me, but it was more than just the realization of what my parents had actually done to me, it was the hard realization that Lia could do the exact same thing. She could easily get up and leave, she could easily leave me in the dust of her wake and abandon me.

Fuck, I've got some abandonment issues.

I'm so fucking attached to Ophelia, and I know it's because I'm just a fucking lovesick puppy when it comes to her. I've grown so accustomed to having her in my life that I'm scared of the thought of ever having to live without her. I never want to live without her.

I'm so screwed.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Lia suddenly asks, covering her hand with mine. I shake my head and give her knee squeeze. "No, and I'm getting the tattoo on my shoulder. As to what it is......that's a surprise." I smirk, knowing she'll take that the wrong way.

God, I'm the worst to her sometimes.

Lia's eyes widen just like I thought they would, and she turns to face me. "What? I swear to god, if you're getting a tattoo for me-"

"Harry?" Noah calls out, appearing in our view. He's my main tattoo guy here in Chicago, he's chill and his work is always really well done, I don't trust anybody else to put a needle to my fucking body. "Ready?"

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