Chapter 18

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Ophelia's POV

Harry lied to me.

I know that wasn't Niall who texted him, it was written all over his fucking face.

He didn't even reply to the text he had received. I know he would have replied to Niall if it was actually him, even if it was something as simple as a 'yes'.

Instead, he just locked his phone and put it away, as if that wouldn't be any less suspicious.

I vividly remember the way he instantly paled as he read the message, his nervousness being another giveaway of the blatant lie he told me.

He's a terrible liar.

As much as I wanted to tell him that I caught his lie, I respected his privacy. The other times I've tried to get involved in his personal problems never worked out for me, and I wasn't about to make the same mistake again.

But now I'm angry. We've now entered December and he has yet to fucking talk to me. Two weeks of complete and utter silence.

I'm pissed.

I already bought his fucking Christmas present too but if he keeps acting this way I'm gonna have to return it, and I really don't want to do that.

I've texted him, called him, and I've even shown up at his place. All of which were pretty much failures.

Whenever I texted him, he rarely ever replied. But if he did, it was blunt one word responses which just pissed me off even more.

He hasn't answered any of my calls, and the few times I've shown up at his place, banging down his door, I was greeted by silence on the other end even though his car was in the parking lot.


Wasn't he the one who was blowing up my phone just a few weeks ago?

No wonder Niall and Connor are his only friends, he fucking sucks at keeping them.

I think what pisses me off the most is the fact that he just went silent on me, with no explanation. No communication is a huge pet peeve of mine. I really hate when people just drop off the face of the earth with no contact whatsoever.

No one deserves that.

It especially pisses me off because their disappearance just leads the other person to create endless scenarios in their head which are just fucking painful.

The amount of self-deprecating thoughts that have been ruminating in my mind these last few weeks produces a feeling of deja-vu.

This all has me feeling like I did when I was with Denver, and I never wanted to ever feel like this again.

Denver was always a bit cold with me, never really that warm of a person, but at the time I thought that was okay, I excused it by saying that this was just the way he was.

And when he would disappear on me for a few days on end, I made even more excuses for it, until I started to have these self-sabotaging thoughts.

Can't say I've missed those.

I had started to believe that maybe it was me that was the problem, that he was staying away from me because I had done something wrong.

I began to think that it was the way I looked, that led Denver to vanish. Or maybe it was my actions, I wasn't too sure.

It was probably a combination of the two.

Once these thoughts had solidified in my mind, he would suddenly return as if nothing had happened and those thoughts quickly vanished, almost as if they never existed in the first place.

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