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"Why do you insist on taking the hard
                    road?" They asked.

    "Why do you assume I see two
                 roads?" I replied.

They say there are always two roads in front of a person, it's upon them which they choose to be on for the rest of their lives.

But for me?

There always been that one road, the only one I wanted to go on.


I took a deep breathe and looked ahead at the building where it would all start. The beginning of my new life. The beginning to the road to freedom. The first phase to achieve my dream.

It was the Training Corps, which train and educate trainees to become members of the three main branches.

The garrison
The Survey Corps
The Military.

And I knew where I wanted to be.

I went inside the place, trying to figure things out when one of the officer yelled. "ALL THE TRAINEES GATHER UP ON THE GROUND IN FIVE MINUTES."

I doubt whether he can speak the next day or not. But whatever that's his concern. I quickly dropped my belongings in the corridor where most the of the trainees also did the same.

I made my way to the ground, surronded by hundreds of people who seems to be as excited as me. Everyone was standing in a line, more likely a definite formation already made by the corps.

We stood there in attention, our hands at the back, disciplined. I looked around to the others, they're gonna be my comrades in the near future. I thought still looking around when the voice in front of me drew my attention.

There stood a man. He was bald, eyes serious, looking around at the trainees like he was gonna eat us up. The dark circles under his eyes screamed how he would have gave up on his sleep to work. He looked strict, very strict.

He quietly strolled around us and then finally stood up at the front again, which was like a lifted platform so whoever may stand there, they have a clear view of the whole around.

"The Cadet Corps Class entrance ceremony will start now!"

"You have the misfortune of having me, Keith Shadis as your commandant!" He said almost yelling.

"For two years, we are going to train you worthless nothings and teach you how to fight titans!"

"Let's see, two years from now, will you still be a fodder to titans or protect yourselves and others from those devils." He said in a demanding voice.

"You all know it clearly it won't be easy. I'm giving you a chance to run away from here before I actually start."

No one moved. Everyone was standing right in their places. What can he do? I know he looks intimading but the least he can do is train us roughly and-

My thoughts were interrupted by a scream. I looked at the source and the same person who I thought wouldn't do much was almost choking a trainee under his foot.

Is he crazy?

He removed his foot from the boy's chest and looked up to all of us.

"This is what will happen when you're not attentive. Crushed under a titan's feet or become their food." He said in a serious tone. His voice cold as ice.

I saw the boy who was just beaten up, trying to get back on his feet. The instructor went to another trainee and shout out loud into their face, some of his spilts might be going into their face while he yelled.

"What's your name!?" He spoke, more like yelled at her.

"Petra Ral!" She said panicking. Her ginger coloured hair was perfectly brushed. Her big round golden eyes was just beautiful, her uniform ironed and her posture straight, hands at the back.

"LOUDER!" he screamed.

"PETRA RAL, SIR!" This time, the ginger haired girl screamed at him.

"WHY YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS!?" he screamed again.

I swear all this yelling is giving me a headache now. Like we can talk normally too right? But this bald man want the opposite.

"I WANT TO PROTECT HUMANITY, SIR!" The short girl yelled again.

Keith took a step away from her still looking at her. He strolled around the ground doing the same with many other cadets too. I was mentally preparing myself for my turn, my heart pounding against my ribs. For once I was afraid what if others heard the throbbing of my heart. Is it that Loud?
I moved my gaze whenever the commander went, now fully prepared, to do the shouting but he didn't came to me. And with a swift movement, went back to stand at the front again.


"Your training is going to start tomorrow at 4 am sharp. Go to your assigned places." He said and without giving a single look to anyone of us, he went away.

"Check your rooms on the list on the main building register!" Another instructor said and took his leave in the same direction as Keith Shadis went.

I released a long sigh.

Damn it's gonna be much more stressful than I thought.

I looked around to other people around me, and my gaze stopped at the ginger haired girl. I went towards her in swift movement, looking at her as she stood there catching her breathe after all those yelling.

"I'm sure, the way he yelled, he might have spitted on you." I said walking upto her.

She looked upto me and merely chuckled at my statement.

"Yes, I should go and wash myself up now." She said making me chuckle.

"Y/n L/n" I said extending my hands towards her.

"Petra Ral" she said shaking my hand.

"Im sure the whole population knows your name now." I said to her, raising my brows, receiving a chuckle from her.

"Let's go and check which room we're staying before the bald man come here again." I said already making my way towards the main building.

"You surely love to make comments." She said now walking beside me.

I just shrugged my shoulders at her.
We reached the wall and saw the list.

Room E.

"Looks like we are stuck together here." Petra chimed at me from behind, indicating we are on the same room.

I chuckled.

"Seems like I'm on the same team then?" A voice trailed from behind us and we turned to look at the person.

A tall girl stood there, she had short light hair styled in an undercut with bangs, which she parted just slightly off to the right side. Her arms crossed on her chest.

"I'm Nanaba." She smiled at us. Her eyes shone under the day light making her look angelic.

Damn not gonna lie, she's beautiful.

We introduced ourselves and went to our dorm, not wanting to get scolded for chatting.


[Author's Note]

Hello people! I hope you like the story. Don't be a silent reader. Comment down your thoughts.

Also remember, you're precious and I love you.

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