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[Y/n Pov]

"WHAT THE- WHO DID THIS!?" someone yelled from behind the tree.

It's been only a day since I came here and why everything is going downhill?
A raging person came out from behind the tree patting his head. That's where the bucket might have fell?


It was the same blond hair boy who did the vertical maneuvering perfectly.

"Eld!?" Petra said panicking. Her eyes glued to him.

"Huh!?" I looked at her confused.

"WHO THREW THAT AT ME!?" he again yelled now taking long steps at me, eyes burning.




I turned around and started to run away from him. I turned so fast that I didn't saw a figure who was standing behind me and bumped into their chest. I bumped hard into them, making both of us stumble back, their hands were on my shoulders, preventing me from falling.

"Look where you're running lady." He said in his husky voice.

I looked up to face him. He had black shiny hairs, his bangs falling on his eyes beautifully. He had defined cheekbones.
His eyes were the shade of acorns, just bright enough to shine in the shadows.
My thoughts were interrupted by loud footsteps and angry murmuring.

Then I remembered why I was stuck in this position with an unknown boy.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly said to the boy in front. I collected my thoughts ready to run again. But it was too late now.

"YOU! WAIT YOU DID THIS RIGHT?" I heard the same fuming voice.

Eld? I think that's the name Petra said when he saw him. I quickly turned to face this fuming boy. There's no running away now.

But why the fuck was I running. I didn't do anything wrong. It fell into his head by mistake! I composed myself. Getting into my serious and stern persona. I'm not gonna be afraid of him.

"WAIT!" I said putting my hand in front of him, gesturing him to stop.

"I didn't do that intentionally. It just fell when I was taking it down from the tree branch. I didn't even knew you were under the tree." I said in a calm and composed voice, looking at the fuming boy.

"So what!? It did fell on me right!? My head hurts now!" He growled.

"I'm sorry for that." I said maintaining eye contact with him. Yes, I should apologize even if it happened by mistake since it happened because of me.

"Well, she said sorry. Now its settled right!?" The same boy whom I bumped into said patting my head. His voice still husky as ever.


"You better watch your movements."
Eld said in an irritating voice and went away from there. Still fuming. It was clear he was annoyed.

I bet if we put a container of water on his head, it will start boiling.

I jerked off the hands of the boy from my head. "Don't touch my hair!" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Why are you so aggressive?" He said chuckling and folded his arms over his chest.

"I'm not!" I said, glanced at Petra who was looking at all the chaos, her eyebrows furrowed. I looked back at the boy who was towering over me.

My anger was still consuming me and the hunger was not helping it at all.

"Alrik" he said and smiled. His smile was so soft, soft as feathers. Delicate, which was opposite to how he looked, his muscular body making him look intimading but his soft smile which was contrasting to his body covered the fact he was intimidating.

I nodded.

"Y/n." I said and slightly smiled and then flounced away from there. I was still angry, not at anyone but the fact that I was hungry. I hadn't eaten anything from morning so instead of creating a chaos out of the situation I went to eat the dinner, not thinking how rude I was to the boy whose smile won over me.


[Third person Pov]

The girl went away from there, walking angrily, fuming with anger or hunger, don't know. Alrik laughed looking at her walking like that and then looked at Petra who was also looking at her friend's fading figure.

"She's your friend?" Alrik asked looking at Petra, which made her look up at him.

"Oh yes!" She smiled.

"I am Petra Ral." She smiled walking upto him.

"Oh hello Petra! I'm Alrik." He smiled at the ginger haired girl. The same soft smile which the fuming girl adored in the first meet only.

"your friend is always like that?" He asked making Petra furrow her eyebrows.

"I mean always this arrogant?" He said and sat down on the nearby bench, relaxing his back.

"Maybe." Petra chuckled making her way to sit on the bench. Petra just met the girl today. So obviously she didn't knew her new friend that well.

"She's feisty and small." He laughed looking up at the sky which was covered with stars, making it look as beautiful as ever.

"Don't say that in front of her, she might break your teeth."

"I'm pretty sure she won't even reach my face. She's short." He said making Petra laugh.


[Author's Note]

Hey people! How y'all are doing?
This is a new part, I hope y'all enjoyed reading it.

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