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You could feel your heart beating faster as your gaze traveled around the place. The high force of winds and the bright escalating lights shone around the chapel.

You shot up to one of the wall near where Eren was restrained by chains.

"Captain.. You guys.." Eren cried as you all went close to his figure. His hands and legs were chained, and his forehead was dripping blood.

"Keys!" Levi shouted back to Historia where Mikasa was helping the girl to not fly away because of the gush of wind.

As soon as you all got the keys, you crouched down behind Eren to unlock the chain of his left leg and beside you was Connie who was doing the same to the right leg while Jean and Levi unlocked Eren's arms.

"Forget about me!" Eren shouted while glanced back at you all.

"Captain! Escape!" eren again shouted, panicking as he glanced at Levi, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Shut up, you top topless wimp!" Jean irritatingly growled at Eren as he kept on unlocking the chains around Eren's arm.

"It's loose!" Connie celebrated instantly when Eren got unrestrained.

You took in a deep breathe, a slight relief as Eren was free but when your eyes went back to the monster in front, you could feel anxiety rising up.

It's bigger than the Collosal titan or what!?

You panicked as you could feel the ground shaking under your feet. The titan was getting larger and larger as seconds went by which was obviously not a good thing for you all.

"Get back! get back!" you heard Levi shouts as he mentioned the ceiling above dropping down. You all instantly ran back. And just then you got back you saw the ceiling drop on the steep cliff where Eren was restrained, going down and shammered into debris.

"Looks like there's no way out." Jean muttered from beside you as your eyes went all over the place and yes indeed he was correct, there didn't seem to be any way of here.

"Sorry.. everyone.. I was nothing but useless.." Eren fell onto his knees crying, his face looking down on the ground as he sobbed.

"From the beginning.. I was never the hope of humanity." Eren cried as tears streamed down his face.

"You think you're some tragic hero or what!?" Jean perked up as he tried to push Eren over the edge. Maybe he it as the reason Eren would stop being like a hopeless dude.

"What a weakling!" Connie joined Jean as he threw the words at Eren.

"We have been through worst and you're being like this here!" Connie continued as a sad smile took over his face.

They were being optimistic and sarcastic while you could easily see through them and could easily read what they were trying to do.

"Eren stop crying.. we can do something!" you shouted back at him as you crouched down beside him, looking at the evolving titan infront of you.

But your mind was contradicting your speech.

what will you do!?

and how!?

"Right we are getting off here!" Historia spoke up. You glanced at her as her blue eyes were sparkling under the evolving light of titan transformation.
She was scared and uncertain just like each one of you were but she chose to defy it.

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