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[Y/n Pov]

He was my inspiration, i looked upto him as my superior. I want to be as strong as him, be skilled like he was.

I have always wanted to meet him.

But not like this.

I was pacing back and forth in the hallway, near Levi's room.

The Survey Corps came to the training center to see how the new trainees were doing. Also they might be here to put an eye on trainees who want to join the survey corps after graduation, since only two months are left for graduation.

I was still pacing outside his room, scared to knock. My heart pounding against my ribs. I don't like this feeling. I have never been as scared of anyone as I am being afraid of him.

What if he is going to kill me!?

I mean it's possible if he's Levi Ackerman.

"The fuck you are doing!?" A cold stoic voice made me jump in surprise, I almost fell to the ground on my butt.
My eyes widened seeing levi glaring at me from the window, which was beside the door.


"What the f- i mean what.. since when are you there!?" I said in a rush. It took me by surprise, he just jolted up out of nowhere.

"Ever since you're pacing outside my room and mumbling to your own self." He said crossing his arms on the window sill. He was wearing a tshirt, his raven hair danced under the winds, making them look like soft feathers.

"Creep." I mumbled under my breath.

"Better get inside now or I am throwing you off the walls." He said and turned around.

I knitted my eyebrows together at whatever he just said. The door opened revealing the man in his sweat pants and a t-shirt.

Why is he so hot!? I gulped down looking at him.

"Get inside." He ordered and I made my way into his room like a little child who is just got ordered by their teacher to get into the classroom.

I was so scared, getting into his room alone, when there is full chances he can do anything to me. He closed the door and I looked back at him, looking into his stoic, grey eyes which were shining under the candle light.


"I called you here for your punishment. You remember right?" He said in his low voice.

He came towards me and grabbed my right hand sending shivers down my spine. Like current went down my spine, it was miracle I was standing straight.


"w..hat-" I tried to say but it came out as a whisper, my brows knitted together in confusion.

"Tch." He dragged me towards the side of the room and stopped before a table.

"Swipe under it." He gestured to me, looking at the table. I brushed my hand under the table and it came in contact against the rough, dirty surface under the table, making me scrunch my nose.

"Look into your hands, you can feel the dust right?." I looked at my palm which had dust particles all over it.

I looked up at him with terrifying eyes, obviously knowing what's coming next.

"We are gonna clean now! I told them to clean my room thoroughly but here we are.."
he said pinching his nose out of annoyance.

"Captain-" I was about to say but he cut me off, striding towards the other end.
My eyes followed him all the way over there, reading his moves thoroughly. He stopped before some stuffs kept on the ground, his eyes looking down at it.
I looked down at the same place where his gaze was and..

It was all cleaning supplies!

I mentally slapped myself. He looked back at me while putting on some gloves. He had a different aura around him. One which is terrifying in his own way.

"Here are the supplies. Let's get started brat. We have a long night ahead." He said picking up a broom.



[Author's Note]

Hello people. This is it for this chapter.

Do y'all like it? Comment down your thoughts, don't be a silent reader.

And I just wanna say I love you and I'm proud of you.

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