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[Third person Pov]

"Look at her moves!" Hange yelled at the top of her lungs pointing at the girl who was swinging from tree to tree with her odm gear. As if she was wind herself.

"Y/n L/n." Keith Shadis who was standing beside her, said.

Commander Erwin, along with his Captains stood on a hill, where they can get a clear view of the forest. They were supervising the trainees, who were training in the open field with other instructors.

"THAT BLONDE GIRL!" Hange yelled again, not able to keep her excitement.

"Tch. Stop yelling Hange." Levi said getting irritated by her. His arms folded on his chest. He eyes moved around the place, reading the situation and every trainee's movements.

"So.. what you all have decided?" Erwin said looking at the Captains standing beside him.

Erwin Smith, the Commander of Survey Corps and one of the most intelligent human ever. Him and his gambles were like inseparable partners. His mind was able to do calculations which seems impossible for a normal human.
His well built muscular body, his blond hair, his electrifying voice and his intellectual mind. He was unbeatable.

"Want me to choose your squads or-" The blonde said again but was cut offby his second in command, Levi Ackerman.

Better known as Humanity's strongest soldier, and indeed he was. He was a panther, the speed he had while using his gear was unbeatable. A literal fidget spinner. He was as cunning as a fox. With his skills, his personality, his brain, his quality of reading a person's movements. He was as strong as a whole brigade.

"I am choosing mine." The raven hair male said, his eyes were still looking at all the cadets, reading their movements.

The graduation ceremony has been done already. Eld was the top of the class.

Y/n got the second rank.

Then the list went on.. Nanaba, Gunther, Alrik, Petra, Oluo and others were in the top ten cadets.

"I'm surprised how most of the top cadets chose to join the Survey Corps instead of the Military Police." Captain Mike said looking at Erwin.

Mike/Miche Zacharias, a brave, trusted soldier with a tactical mind. He was the second strongest soldier after Levi Ackerman. His skills were phenomenal.
Mike had a remarkably good sense of smell which helps him to detect titans from a distance.

"Right. So tell me if you have made your mind on any of the cadets?" Erwin said looking at Levi with his blue shiny eyes.

"His squad will be the special operation squad, He's gonna choose the top ones of course." Hange chimed from behind Levi.

Hange Zoe, her light brown eyes, with her brown hair makes her look ethernal. Hange appeared to be an energetic, freethinking researcher with a very unique way of conducting herself and her work through their rather observant and objective skills. A scientist who was hungry for new information. Also one of the sweetheart in the survery corps.

"No, I will balance the order between squads. But first tell me some of the names?" Erwin said to Levi.

"Eld Jinn, Gunther Schultz, Petra Ral, Oluo Bozado , Nanaba-"

"I'm sending Nanaba to Mike's squad." Erwin cut off Levi.

Levi didn't questioned him, he knew whatever Erwin did, always had a reason. Levi's trusted Erwin Smith the most and it showed.

"What about L/n? You're taking her?" Hange said looking at Levi.

"No." Hange furrowed her eyebrows at Levi. Confused, why he refused to take a most skilled soldier in his squad.


"She.. she is problematic." Levi sighed and looked at the said girl in the field.

"Look there. She always get into trouble. And i don't want to do extra paperwork everytime she gets in trouble." Levi said pointing towards the forest, where all cadets were.

Y/N was hanging upside down from a tree. Her one leg tangled with the odm gear. Eld on the top of the branch from where she was hanging. It looked obvious Eld Jinn was laughing at
Y/n L/n inverted figure who was shouting back at the laughing boy.

"They both seems to fight alot." Mike chuckled and sat on a large rock which was placed beside him, still looking at the bickering cadets.

"L/n was supposed to be the first rank but due to her trouble making quality, her rank slipped." Keith Shadis sighed, thinking of all the time, he had to take care of his trouble making cadets.

"But they're a great team together. L/n and Eld doesn't get along but when I put them on a mission together, they were the most efficient one. Both of them are the best here."

Keith said and went away from the group, making his way to scold his cadets who were soon going to graduate under him.

Levi sighed, massaging his temples.

"If shorty doesn't want her, I'm taking her in my squad!" Hange looked at Erwin to which he nodded. And with the approval from the commander himself, Hange ran towards the cadets.

"Tch. Hange is the real trouble maker." The raven haired male shook his head, still looking at the said woman.

'Did I made a right decision? A right team?' Levi thought while walking towards the cadets along with Erwin.
Looking at how Hange engulfed Y/n in a bone crushing hug.


[Author's Note]

Hello beautiful people. How y'all are doing? I hope y'all are okay!

Did y'all like this chapter? Comment down your thoughts, don't be a silent reader.

And remember you're precious, you matter, so keep up your beautiful smile okay?

I love you.

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