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       "You were the rain that made a

                barren land green."



[Y/n Pov]

I froze on my spot, looking at him with widened eyes. As if my limbs refused to move, my eyes forgot to flutter. But if my heart was pounding again my ribs and if it could it would have came out of my body.

The water was dripping from his beautiful black hair making his white shirt wet. His stoic expression was mixed with a bit of irritation. His eyes furrowed looking at me angrily.

He was beautiful.

Just beautiful.

He was wiping the water on his face, still glaring at me as if he's gonna eat me alive. But I was still lost at how beautiful he really was.

We have been told that the Survey Corps are here at the training center to supervise us in our training. I've never met anyone of them, just saw them from a distance when they entered our training grounds.

This is the first time I saw him so close and he was much more astonishing than I expected. Much more ethernal than I imagined.

Humanity's strongest soldier indeed.

Also one of the most gorgeous man?

"What was that!?" His stern voice brought me back. I blinked my eyes many times to get out my admiration for him.

Shit why was i drooling over him? Get yourself together!

He is your superior! I mentally slapped myself.

"You can't hear me or what!?" He slightly raised his voice making me jump.

"Sorry sir!" I said hurriedly and my gaze dropped to the ground, not wanting to keep the intense eyelock with him. If I would have kept the eyecontact he would have froze me alive.

"I want answer. Why were you running around throwing water like a mad woman?" He said walking near me and looking at me from head to toe-

But he looked away instantly clearly his throat. His expression went from anger to panic in a second but again he composed himself and his cold expression came out.

I was confused as what happened which caused him to jolt up his gaze but I need to apologize first. Or else I'm done.

Stop calculating things.

Think afterwards, apologize!

"Sir.. I mistook you for someone else. I am sorry." I looked up at him and stood still. My body standing infront of him in attention.

"So you really go around throwing water at people?" He said in his expressionless voice, his hands crossed over his chest, his white shirt drenched with water.

"No!" I defended myself.

He raised his eyebrow at my sudden increase in voice, causing me to apologize to him again.

"I am sorry Captain." I apologized.

I was an inch taller than him? I was actually surprised at this.

But his well built muscular body, his personality, made him look more intimading. So even after being a little bit taller than him, it didn't made me look any taller neither made me look intimading.

"Sorry won't do shit." He said in his stoic voice, still looking at me with his glaring eyes.

I furrowed at him.

"At my room, immediately after dinner." He said walking away from there, his hands inside his pant's pocket. He took long strides and he was walking in swift movement.


"I won't be repeating myself." He said without turning around to look at me, his back facing me. His raven were wet and were glistening under the moonlight.

"Also your clothes are fully drenched. Change it before going to dinner." He said and walked away from there, not looking back at me.

I looked down at my body to see my white shirt fully drenched in water, my sports bra straps visible under it. I crossed my hands around my chest as if covering it now would do any good when Levi Ackerman already saw everything.

That's why his expression changed to panic for a quick second.


So he almost saw everything. I took my head between my hands, messing my almost wet hair, graoning in embarrassment.

"No no noooo!!!!!!" I groaned, stomping my foot on the muddy ground under me.

This was my first impression on Captain!?

On Captain Levi Ackerman!?

"Eld.. you bastard.." I cursed under my breath.


[Author's Note]

Hey people! This is it for this chapter.

And which y'all like?

Writing in first person or second person?

Tell me your thoughts on this.

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