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[Y/n Pov]

Again here, tied up in the harness to use the vertical maneuvering gear, everyone's eyes were on me.

What if I messed up again?

What if I didn't made it?

Will it be over today?

My dream?

I lifted my gaze for the first time after I stood here.

And my gaze landed on Nanaba, next to her stood Petra, both of them showing me a thumbs up while smiling, causing a smile to grow on my face.

They were here.. supporting me.


[Yesterday night]

I tossed and turned, unable to sleep. I was under the covers staring at the bottom of the upper bunk of bed where Nanaba was sleeping. I was scared what if tomorrow I wouldn't be able to use the vertical maneuvering perfectly?
They are going to send me back.

I jolted up on my bed and made my way outside, steadily not trying to wake the others. I moved as quietly as possible.

Looking up at Nanaba's bed, where she was sleeping like a log, blanket over her face, her legs flying to two different directions, causing me to smile at her. I then looked at the bed across from us where Petra was sleeping. Her back was facing me. I looked around at other girls to found them sound asleep. I went out the room quietly.

I walked to the ground where the vertical maneuvering gear was. I took in a deep breath and started tying myself with the harness.

I'm not gonna fail.

I will pass this.

I can.

I will.

*Thump* another *thump* and another. I tried again and again and failed miserably, falling to the ground with each attempt.

But I kept trying. I'm not gonna lose. I can't lose.

"Your nose is going to bleed, at this rate." I looked at the source of the voice which was coming from behind me, from the direction where the dorms were.


She was walking towards me, a tight smile on her face while she jogged towards me in her pajamas, followed by sleepy Nanaba who was walking while rubbing her eyes.

"How.. why you both are here at the middle of the night?" I said looking at them surprised.

"We came after your clumsy ass. You might break something or yourself, we were worried." Nanaba said and yawned. I felt a tingling feeling went through my body. But it was soon exchanged with a sadness. I looked down. Wasn't i pathetic? I woke up my friends when they were this tired.

"Get yourself out of imagination and start with your practice. We are here to keep you company!" Petra said sitting on the ground. I looked at her. Wind brushed her ginger coloured hair, her eyes shone under the moonlight and her smile made upto the aesthetic.

I nodded.

"Thank you." I whispered to them.

"Thank us after you pass this test tomorrow." Nanaba who just reached Petra sat down next to her on the ground.

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