Chapter 32

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Aya walked around the courtyard, long brown coat dressing her as she only wore a frown her now short blonde hair reacher her shoulder, she looked around before she her the shouting of another solider, the blonde only signed heavily.

"He's alive because you think your friends are more important then the rest of us!" Flock shouted while the blonde simple made her way over, frown on her face as her hand rested in her pocket.

"I think it's time you shut your mouth!" Eren shouted coming closer to the red head man who simple glared back.

"Eren. I bet even at your core, you always think your right. That's why you didn't give up your a little kid who won't listen to reason" Flock spoke while Eren's eyes widened slightly before he glared.

"Eren. Just leave him alright" Mikasa spoke after she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"At least Mikasa acted like an adult out there. I saw her give up in the end" Flock spoke while Aya eyes narrowed watched the raven haired girl gasped quietly.

"That reminds me" A voice echoed causing everyone eyes to widened as they turned to see the blonde women as there eyes widened on seeing her short hair "How was it that you managed to survive flock?" Aya questioned coming closer.

"W-What?"Flock questioned eyes wide while he looking into the cold glare of green.

"You managed to escaped without a scratch were everyone else died. How is that?" Aya questioned walking closer and closer to the man before she stopped "That's right i be you gave up didn't you?" Aya questioned while Flock eyes widen

"Let me guess you turned your horse around or even better you fell and his under your dead comrade bodies to avoid the rocks" Aya spoke while Flock grew silent, every other teenager looked towards the blonde eyes wide. "So before you go off on these kids maybe think about your own choices" Aya spoke before she walked away.

"What was that?" Levi questioned after the blonde had walked towards him, Aya just frowned before she looked towards him.

"I just didn't like the thought of him saying you made the wrong choice" Aya spoke before she looked up towards the stage "You better get the solider ready" Aya spoke before she walked away towards the stage.

Aya kneeled on the steps of the courtyard, Hand on heard as she rested between Levi and Eren. History stood in front as she handed a medal to each solider and placing it around their necks. Aya eyebrow twitched as she looked towards Eren after Historia had placed her medal on Aya necks.

"Ah" Aya muttered before she bit her lip, feeling the electricity build up in her body before her eyes widened as she turned to look towards her half brother and seeing his eye wide with fear.

'What did you see' Aya thought as she looked towards him curious.

Aya rode on her horse, Her blonde her slightly grown as she rode beside Levi, she slightly smiled to herself as she saw the bright blue sky. Aya looked back to see the teenager smiling before her grew slightly. Though as she rode her horse through the Sandy desert, her head ached with fuzzy memories.

"Aya?" Levi questioned looking towards her in concern while Aya head snapped towards him seeing his as well as Hanji's worried eyes

"Sorry it's just i think this is the way Izumi came to get to Paradise Island with me" Aya spoke before she looked ahead, the blonde was unaware of the worried eyes Hanji and Levi held.

They made their way through the sand, Aya stopped slightly was she came up to a wall that rested there, Eren came behind her with a frown on his face

"That it isn't it?" Aya questioned looking towards the brown haired teen who only wore a monotone expression.

"Yes. That's the wall they used to turn the eldian into Titan's" Eren spoke before he continued to ride his horse up towards the edge, Aya stayed there for a while remembering her own mother turned into a titan.

"Come on" A voice spoke snapping Aya out of her daze as she snapped her head to be met with the reassuring eyes of her lover, Levi.

"Woah" Aya spoke she stood in front of the large lake, well the ocean. She looked back towards Levi who stayed away from it while she watched everyone else enter the water.

"Ow! My eyes they burn!" Sasha screamed after Connie has splashed her, she covered them in pain.

"Wow that's salty!" Jean screeched after he had placed the water in his mouth.

"WooHoo! Is this actually full of sal water?" Hanji questioned after she went into the water, Aya looked wide eyes at everyone before she turned back towards the dark haired man who scowled

"Watch it, It might be poisonous" Levi spoke while Aya looked at him before his eyes landed on her before tears reached down her pale cheeks before a wide smile appeared on her face.

"WoooHoo!" Aya screamed as she entered the water a wide smile on her face as her and Hanji continued to splash one another though Aya stopped as she looked back.

"Woah! Aya look at this!" Aya imagined Isabel would screamed after she had messed with the water, Aya looked next to her

"This is actually salt water?" Imagined Farlan would say as Aya pictured both of her lost friend in the water before the image faded.

'You would of really loved this' Aya thought to herself as she looked up a smiled on her face before she walked towards Levi a cheeky grin on the women face.

"No" Levi simple stated, whole uniform still one while Aya only continued to wear a smiled before she took of his Odm gear and cloak.

"Aya i said no" Levi spoke gaining the attention of Hanji while she also wore a grin as both women made their way over to the grumpy man before they dragged him into the water.

"I said no-Ah!" Levi shouted before he was pushed in half of his body covered in the water as he sat in the sea, He wore a frown as he looked up to see both women smiling down at him.

"Isn't it amazing Levi!" Aya yelled while Levi simple stopped and looked at the blonde, seeing her smile before he signed loudly and stood up.

"Yes, sure" Levi muttered walking towards her, Levi had given in because it had been a while since he saw his lover smiled like that though that all changed after a brown haired teen stood in the ocean and pointed out of it.

"If we did cross the sea, and killed our energies... would we finally be free?"

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