Chapter 18

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"Uhh, My head" A voice echoed through the room as a blonde slowly rose up though her hand were tied behind her back. The green eyes widened as she looked to see both Historia and Eren passed out beside her tied up. She grunted in pain but stopped once she heard feet hitting the floor.

"Seems the little darling is away" A voice echoed as Aya could feel the smirk as her eyes widened as she saw the man walk in.

"Kenny" She glared towards the man who's smirk only grew as he stepped closer and closer to the girl before kneeling right in front of her.

"I can see why that little runt has such an interest in you" He smirked grabbing her chin and making her look at him "Seem the drug didn't have much of an affect on you" He grumbles

"That's what happen if you live in the underground" Aya glared at the man who only chuckled unknown to the two a boy started to wake up only slightly though as he only heard their voices.

"It's funny you don't look a thing like your mama" Kenny spoke as Aya's eyes grew wide as her whole body stiffened "I remember her she offered me the service you know" He spoke once more as Aya's eyes grew wide.

"Shame i didn't take it if i had known you looked like this i would off" Kenyy laughed as Aya's eyes only widened further in horror as the man laughed "I wish i did take it now, Knowing whats gonna happen to this pretty face" He spoke

"W-What?" Aya stuttered as she looked towards the man in confusion as he started to walk away.

"I would love to break the news to Levi, that his pretty doll is gone" He smirked as Aya's eyes only grew more wide but soon she became hazy as she looked to see another sleeping drug injected to her neck.

"W-Wait" Aya muttered before her whole body soon feel towards the floor, darkness consuming her vision as she fell into a deep slumber.

"They plan to eat Eren?!" Armin shouted eyes wide as did the rst of the squat while Mikasa just gritted her teeth in anger

"Yes Eren remembered a conversation between Bertolth and Ymir, Based on this we can speculate that Ymir use to be a mindless titan like the others until she consumed someone from bertolth and Reiner group and they weren't a normal type of group, It's different for human who can turn into titans" Hanji stated while everyone continued to gasp "I think that if a titan eat someone with that ability then they turn back into a human and possess those same abilities" Hanji finished while everyone's eyes were wide

"I-I don't understand though" Sasha began while everyone looked toward her "Why take Aya?" She questioned

"Well we're wondering the same thing but with what the pastor Nick has said and with both Annie,Reiner and bertolth wanting her we can only assume she has something to do with the titan abilities" Hanji mumbled her face full of concern as everyone eyes widened

"Are you saying Aya could be a titan shifter and she doesn't even know it?!" Jean shouted eyes wide

"No of course not you brat" Levi mumbled as everyone turned towards him as he glared at them all "Aya has no part in this" He finished while the scout only shuddered at him expression.

After Levi and the squad has left for the district and learning that they are wanted criminal they hid in the woods and tried to come up with a plan to save Aya, Historia and Eren but after some Mp's had found them they had to fight and ended up capturing two younger Mp's. taking the uniforms and disguising at the Mp's but after learning the the two young Mp's are on their side they helped the squad and led them to the least amount of guarded post of Mp's and the squad attacked the base, capturing them  for information  

"Where did they take Aya, Historia and Eren?" Levi asked as he kicked one of the military police captains face

"You bastards. You think your so brave. That post was manned by recruits, they barely even know how to wipe thee own asses. No one is going to think your hero's for beating them down" the captain said gritting his teeth

"Yeah the guilt's tearing me apart" Levi said sarcastically as he looked down at the man as he shoved his foot into his mouth "but what really gets as me is this mouth of yours. I suggest you start talking white your still able to use it. Now where are they!" Levi finished

"You can't win. All that's left to you now is to find some filthy corner to hide in!" The man shouted as he so smirked "I can tell you something though by the time you find that captain of yours she will be rotting in a ditch somewhere" the man laughed. Levi glared at the man as he soon kicked him in the face

"Every last scout we captured gets the noose starting with the guiltiest one of all, Erwin smith!" The man continued to shout "he will join that captain in hell!" He finished as Levi soon grabbed his arm and twisted it around hi back

"Ahhh!" The man screamed in anguish while the scout squinted looking away from the scene

"This is what you get for not answering my question" Levi whispered in the mans ear as the man only continued to struggle "Again where did they take them?" Levi glared as he let go of the man. 

"I-I don't know! No one told me anything only that the girl Aya was gonna be dead!" The Mp shouted tears streaming down his face while Levi only clenched his fist in anger "Kenny Ackerman doesn't like his business known, he was the one that mentioned the girl" The man continued 

"Ackerman?" Levi questioned eys squinting as Mikasa gasped looking at the man "I know Kenny is that his last name?" Levi questioned while the crying man only nodded "Yes he wasn't one for sharing information but im sure you have an idea" Levi stated walking towards the man and grabbing him "I'm sure you can remember" He states 

"NO! no please no" the crying Mp pleaded 

"You still have plenty of bones to break" Levi muttered grabbing his arm about to break it as the man looked up towards him pleading 

"Are you insane?!" The man shouted looking towards Levi in fear who only wore a monotone face as he looked down at the man

"For her i am"

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