Chapter 34

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3 years ago

Aya watched with annoyance as both Levi and Hanji threatened the man known as Nicolo, she sat behind the rock with the rest of the kids as she glared

"Damn it, why can't i be up there" Aya signed while the teens looked at her in disbelief though their eyes soon widened once they heard a gunshot

"Huh?" the teens exclaimed as they saw the captain of the ship fall as a tall blonde women holding the gun. 

"Hange, I'd like to accept your invitation" the woman smiled while Aya glared sensing something off about this women. 

"Ohh? Ohh!" Hange exclaimed enthusiastically as she looked at the weapon they call a 'gun'. Aya simple glared at the blonde lady in front of her "Oh i see, so that's why your guns can shoot so many bullets" Hanji exclaimed once again. 

"Back in Marly, those weapons are standard issue" Yelena stated before sipping on her tea, Aya continued to stare "The army is comprised of 50 divisions, each made up of 20, 000 troops" she stated again. 

"There continuing to make more advance weapons and their striving in the field of aerial warfare" Yelena stated again. 

"Aerial?" Hanji questioned while both Levi and Aya glared at the women, as the short man kicked her. 

"Keep it together, or they will think were weak" Levi glared at Hanji as she nodded, Aya leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs as she glared at them 

"There ship that can fly and maneuvar is the sky, and can attack through the sky" Onyankopon states while Hanji's eyes widened. 

"They'll attack from the sky!" Hanji screamed jumping from her chair while Aya signed loudly before she placed her hands on the table. 

"Let's cut the bullshit shall we?" Aya questioned glaring at them while Yelena looked at her "How do we know we can trust you? how do we know this isn't a trap"

"I can ensure you Aya it isn't" Yelena smiled while Aya glared raising the gun that was on the table. 

"I never told you my name, how the hell do you know it and who are you working for?" Aya galred while Yelena raised her hands as well as Onyankopon. Levi glared at them while Hanji signed

"Our mutiny was carried out at the express command of Zeke yeager" Yelena stated while Aya eyes widened her hand shaking while Yelena looked at her 

"And our goal is to free the eldian people"

"So that conclude Zeke yeagers requests" Hanji stated to the court as her and the rest of the soldier sat their, relaying their information "He claims he can save the eldian people, by-"

"Absurd!" A commander suddenly shouted and interrupted Hanji as they all looked at him "We shouldn't even be listening to this!" he shouts again. 

"Were talking about the beast titan here! he turned the people of ragako into titans!" another shouted while Aya looked towards the table. 

"He hunted the scout into near extinction and he has the gall to come to us with requests?!" another shouted 

"Zeke jaegers one and only goal is to steal the founding titan from the island. He failed by force so now he's trying to obtain it through diplomatic means" Zachly stated at the top with Historia

"Yes, he should know that we'll assume that" Pixis explains "Regardless, i would still like to hear what else he has to stay" he continued looking at Hanji. 

"Zeke Jaeger claims to have an actionable plan that can solve all our people problems at once. and to carry this plan out we need to key assets: the founding titan and a titan possessing royal blood" Hanji stated as Aya stiffens, she glanced back at Eren who looked at her. 

"He says with bother, the world can be saved" Hanji stated before she signed "Howere, he will only reveal the details of his plan after his conditions have been met" Hanji finishes 

"He's full of shit"

"What find of feckless idiots does he take us for?" 

"Eren?" Armin questioned once the boy had stood up, Aya eyes widened in fears as she clenched her fist

"Zeke is telling the truth" Eren stated while Aya whole body shook, Levi glanced back at her in concern "i remember, the founder power has always been completely impossible for me to use, the two exceptions was when i touched a titan with royal blood, Dina fritza" Efren exclaimed

"And the other?" Zackly asked while Aya's whole body shook, Eren glanced back at Aya before he signed 

"The other was when i strangled-" Eren began 

"Eren!" Aya shouted shooting from her chair while Everyone eyes widened as they looked at her, the girl was breathing heavy as she looked at Eren in disbelief

"When i strangled Aya in the cell, and i could feel the power" Eren finished while Aya gasped, her whole body shook while Levi glared at Eren. 

"You strangled her?" Levi glared while Aya slowly sat back on her seat and grabbed the man hands who looked at her to see her expression is scared

"Zeke knows how to awake the millions of titan in the wall, how to start the rumbling and crush the world" Eren states while Aya gasped loudly, her face pale. 

"why did you keep quiet?" Levi questioned glaring at both Eren and Aya who's shook violently 

"Cause i was concerned for Historia's safety. At the time i wasn't sure and i couldn't let her become a titan based on a hunch and Aya asked me to keep it a secret" Erens attend while Aya stiffened 

"Are we to assume you know how to activate the rumbling Aya?" Zackly questioned while the blonde eyes widened, her head slowly raising to look at him 

"I knew of it Sir, B-But i don't know how to activate it" Aya started with a stutter while everyone looked at her eyes wide. 

"Will you be okay?" Aya questioned her hand moving Levi dark hair out of his face as he stood in front of a carriage, one that Zeke was going to enter

"I can handle the furball" Levi muttered looking to the side as Aya smiled at him sadly, her hand rested on his uniform. 

"Come back safe, i don't want to have to raise a bloody ackerman on my own" Aya smiled her hand falling to her stomach while Levi nodded as they both heard walking. 

"It's a family reunion" a voice called out while Aya glared at the blonde man who looked at her "Why are you glaring, you are my sister. You use to smile at me once" he smiled

"Yeah, that was before i knew how much of a bastard you are" Aya glared as soldier placed Zeke into the carriage. 

"You can kill him. i don't care" Aya stated while Levi nodded at her and caressed the blonde's cheek, Aya frowned before she consumed the man in a hug. 

"Don't drink the wine"

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