Aya x Levi headcanons

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Levi loves the fact that Aya is shorter, he feels better about himself and the face he can easily reach Aya's head and hair.

Levi is gentle with Aya especially in bed. He will always make sure she is okay considering her past. He always makes sure he enjoys it.

Levi only gets 2-3 hour sleep, so when he's awake he spends it watching Aya, brushing her hair out of her face, holding hers, watching her expression and if she had a bad dream he will comfort her.

Aya is always trying to get Levi to sleep even if she has to force him, she will. Aya doesn't like that he doesn't sleep much and gets comfort in his sleep. He fakes it so she is happy.

Levi prefers making his own tea but he will drink Aya as it means she made it specifically for him so he treasures that one cup of tea.

In the underground Aya cut all three of Farlan, Isabelle and Levi's hair. Levi was hesitant at first because his mother cut his hair but Aya reassured him she wouldn't change anything and she is the only other person to cut his hair then his mother.

Farlan and Isabelle both knew about Levi liking Aya and were always saying to tell her because Aya was oblivious to his feelings but Levi was denying it.

If you didn't already realize Levi has the Ackerman link with Aya and it started on one night when he saved her from some thugs but Levi had feelings for her before the link was created.

While Aya was near the wall with her squad Levi would always try to write letters to her and Aya in return but they only ever saw each other when expeditions happened but when they did they would always hug.

Levi doesn't like holding Aya hands he prefers to embrace her or touch her cheek but he will hold her hand when she is asleep for reassurance

Anytime Aya was scared or worried she would go straight to Levi and hug him, He was her source of comfort.

Aya tends to blush and Levi never does which annoys the hell out of Aya and she is always trying to make him blush but never works.

The two are never intimate in front of others as they don't want either of their reputation to go down but everyone knows the two are together or at least love one another.

Levi always looks at Aya when she is talking to someone else and Aya does the same when he is talking to someone.

Levi hates the fact that Aya is both related to Eren and the beast titan because that means he will be when he Marries her.

Levi's main goal in life is to make Aya a Ackerman.

Aya has always wanted to fight Levi, she knows she won't win but thinks it would be fun though Levi refuses because he can never hurt her.

Aya and Levi have shared a room since after season 1. They sleep in the same bed as well as sharing clothes.

Aya loves wearing his clothes and unfortunately Levi fits her. Occasionally she will wear his clothes without knowing but Levi will know.

Levi loves both sweet and scary Aya but hates it when she is determined especially when Aya's life is at risk.

Aya hates being ignored, she hates it. If Levi or anyone else doesn't talk to her she will go on a rampage but if it's only Levi she will just stare at him till it gets to the point where he will talk to her.

They're both not kissers. They prefer each other's warmth, they will only kiss if one of them has nearly died or they are worried about each other and use it as comfort but they won't just kiss.

They cuddle in bed, They will hug behind closed doors. Both like their relationship or their intimacy to be private.

Aya is the first to apologize, if there is a fight she will, Levi is too stubborn to apologize first though if Aya thinks she is right she will wait and wait until the argument is forgotten.

Levi at first thought Eren liked Aya so that was another reason he didn't like Eren but when he found out they were related he backed off Eren.

Aya finds Levi's relationship with the squad funny as she thinks he is likely a moody father.

Let's get one thing clear. Aya doesn't mind Levi killing Zeke, though the only reason Levi hasn't yet is because of Aya.

Aya is always washing her hand. Levi has his cleaning habits and Aya is always washing her hands especially after Killing someone, She feels it will help with the guilt and Levi helps her.

Levi hates knowing and watching Aya kill people because he knows it kills her on the inside and wishes she never did so.

Aya always wonders what Farlan would have thought about their relationship as Levi couldn't care if he liked it or not and if Farlan was still alive he would have to deal with it.

When it comes to washing, they share a shower. Levi likes two and so does Aya simple.

Most of the squad think Aya is the nicer one but in fact Levi is the more calm one, Aya had a tendency to get angry a lot of the time but Levi is always the one to calm her down.

Aya loves that Levi is older, it makes him more mature and experience where Levi would prefer it if Aya was older.

Aya's wish in life is for Levi to finally be at peace, for him to not have to fight anymore and can finally be at peace.

Levi's dream is to take Aya away from the war, the squats and make her a nice home where the two can grow old together. 

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