Chapter 41

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4 Months Ago

"Levi" Aya muttered  as she laid on the bed while Levi was stood getting changed as she looked down towards  her hands as Levi hummed. 

"I want to get married" She states while Levi stiffened his eyes widened before he turned over to see her with a small smile. 

"I mean i am already with child, it makes sense right?" Aya asked with a smile as she rubbed her stomach, Levi walked towards her before he kneeled in front of her. 

"What is the reason?" Levi asked as Aya looked up at him before she grabbed his hands and smiled. 

"Because i love you and i don't want to wait anymore" Aya smiled as Levi eyes widened slightly before he looked at her and nodded. 

'Plus i don't know how long is left. Eren plans to go to Marley soon and that when our plan come to life' Aya thought as she stroked Levi's cheek. 

"Is this really the right time?!" Eren yelled with anger looking towards the blonde who rubbed some dust of her white dress before she turned and glared.

"Don't i deserve this Eren?!" Aya yelled before she breathed in and look up at her younger brother. 

"What we plan, I'm going to lose him, I'm going to lose this baby. I just want something while everything is peaceful and i want to marry him Eren" Aya states with tears in her eyes as Eren's eyes widened before he looked down. 

"Your right. You do deserve this Aya especially after what you are doing with me" Eren muttered looking down as Aya smiled and soon reached for his arm. 

"I don't regret helping you Eren" Aya smiled before she looked down towards were everyone was gathered and she smiled "Now you going to walk your sister down the aisle or what?" Aya smiled as Eren chuckled. 

"Of course"  Eren muttered before the two walked down the hall.

 Everyone gathered in the hall as they smiled watching the blonde walked down with Eren by her side as she wore a short white dress, her hair down as Levi stood by the end of the hall, Hange beside him. 

"Levi" Aya muttered with a smile as he also wore a small smile and they soon grabbed their hands. 

"Levi" Aya muttered again with as he and Hange were laid in the sand as Eren gave his speech she smiled looking at him. 

"Aya!" Hange shouted as she rose up from the sand, The blonde just kneeled down looking at the mana s her hand reached for him. "You have to stop Eren" Hange states as Aya stopped. 

"What are you talking about? Stopping Eren?" Aya asked looking up at Hange who wore wide eyes looking at the blonde

"He's going to kill everyone outside the walls, Everyone?!" Hange screamed as Aya sighed as she stood up

"I know Hange. I'm helping him" Aya states causing Hange's eyes to widened looking at the blonde

"Why?" Hanji questioned as Aya looked down at Levi once again with a frown. 

"Aren't you sick of fighting? Don't you want to end this suffering?" Aya questioned before she stood up as Hange simple watched her "Don't you want to live in a world with no suffering, no death and we can live free? I want that for him" she states looking at Levi. 

"I want a free world for Levi and my Son Farlan" Aya states before she walked away. 

"Thank you for saving him Hange, If he had died I would be lost" Aya states before she sadly smiled. 

"Goodbye" Aya muttered before Hanji's eye widened again as she was back in the forest, she held her hair. 

"Aya's helping him" Hanji muttered with wide eyes before she looked back over at Levi. 

All of the scouts were gathered around the firepit to which Hanji was making a stew as they al discussed there wrong actions while Yelena told everyone about the sin's they have committed. 

"Don't even get me started on her. Aya. she is the worse of you all, a true devil" Yelena muttered as all the younger scouts eyes were wide looking at her. 

"She happily killed soldiers, she betrayed you all and what's is she killed her own child" Yelena stated

"Shut it" A voice echoed as everyone's eyes widened as they saw Levi struggling to sit up as Hanji rushed over towards him and helped him. 

"Aya would never kill that child" Levi states as Yelena simple looked towards him with a glare.

"That what she told Eren and Zeke she would do, so they can't use him, so there isn't another royal blood, she killed the child" Yelena state 

"Him" Armin soon states interrupting as Levi slowly turned his head towards the blonde man who looked back towards him "She had a boy and he's safe" Armin states as Yelena gasped. 

"It's true when i spoke to Aya... she said the reason she is helping Eren is to create a better world for your child" Hanji states as Levi looked down and nodded. 

"She isn't a monster" Levi states before he soon coughed and helped him lay back down before Levi grew unconscious again. 

"We have to talk to both of them" Hange states as everyone eyes turned towards her "Much like you guy's Aya is important to me and especially to Levi. We can't kill her"  

"I want to save her too!" Gabi soon shouted as everyone eyes widened turning towards the young girl who fist tightened

"She saved me, not once but twice. She tried to get Falco away from Zeke's scream and tried to get me to safety! We have to save her!" Gabi shouts as everyone looked down. 

"We might have to kill her though" Annie states as everyone looked towards her with a frown "Just like Eren, if we can talk to her then great but their might be no other way" 

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