Chapter 22

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A desk laid in front of the large window as the moonlight shone brightly illuminating the blonde hair that sat on Aya's head as she leaned against the wooden chair as behind her laid a bed which held a sleeping Levi which was a rare occasion. Aya gripped her head tightly while her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Why are you awake?" A stern voice echoed throughout the room while Aya's head snapped back to meet the glare of the dark haired captain.

"I couldn't sleep" Aya slightly smiled turning back to the desk shuffling all the paper on the desk and shoving them away after she heard the footstep coming closer.

"Because of that dream?" Levi asked glaring down and looking at the scrupled paper before his eyes darted back to the blonde "You never told me what it was about" Levi signed

"It was nothing. Don't worry about it" Aya smiled getting up and heading back towards the bed but was stopped by his hand grabbing her wrist while Aya eyes widened looking back at the man.

"What happened in that cave? What did Kenny do?" Levi asked with a look of concern while Aya eyes only looked everywhere but him before she signed sitting on the edge of the bed.

"More of what he said rather then what he did" Aya muttered while Levi's eyes knitted in confusion and looking towards her before sitting beside her.

"What did he say?" Levi asked while his fist balled Aya noticed this and looked towards him before she grabbed his hand and smiled up at him

"He has reminded me of something i had forgotten. Something that happened" Aya stated and looked down while she only felt Levi stare as a response. She signed once more "In the underground there are not many jobs one can do" Aya continued

"Okay" Levi nodded while Aya eyes looked down and glossed over

"Even less for women" Aya states looking down while Levi continued to stare at her "As you already know my mother was ill, she couldn't earn money so she asked Farlan to which he in fact did but that wasn't enough so she had be work" Aya finished looking down while Levi only looked confused while Aya signed

"Whats the one job a women can have to earn enough?" Aya asked looking up to meet Levi's silver eyes who only stared back at her in confusion before they widened in realization.

"She made you!-" Levi shot up in anger and couldn't even bare to finished his sentence as he filled with rage, Aya only looked down as tears fell.

"It went on for a couple of years it wasn't until Farlan found out that it all stopped, he took me away from her and then we learnt she had passed then we met you" Aya states while Levi head turned towards her still frowning but once he met Aya's smiling face he signed and came over to her.

"I'm sorry" Levi mumbled as he endured her in a hug on the bed while he laid his head on her shoulder and taking in the smell of her hair while Aya has tears coming down her face.

"Tell me. Tell me is something has happened if anyone says anything, if anyone does something tell me" Levi states glaring into the wall as he rest his chin on Aya shoulders

"Okay" Aya gulped laying her cheek on his shoulder before she remembered back to her conversation with Historia and Eren

"You want us to not tell anyone?" Historia questioned while both her and Eren stood in front of the blonde solider while she only looked down

"Aya. They should know" Eren mumbled looking towards the women concern consuming him

"They can't!" Aya shouted suddenly shocking both teenagers as there eyes grew wide "it isn't true what he said! I'm not from outside the walls but if even anyone knew they would surely think I'm a traitor" Aya calmed down looking towards the floor

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