Time for weirdness!

65 3 4

Ash: When you've been a trainer for this long, you develop thick skin and stay unfazed by critical comments

Gou: Periwinkle isn't your color



Ash: drowning

Gary: I could save him, but who am I to play God?


Serena: I think I like Ash

Bonnie: Congratulations, you are officially the last person to know


Hugh: A large group of people is called a "fuck that"


Cilan: What color are Iris' eyes?

Trip: Umber like the warmth of an everlasting hearth, wood that could burn with golden flame, only just touched by the rays of a sunset 

Cilan: What?

Trip: I said brown


Any gym leader, elite 4, champions even: It's not illegal

Trainers who challenged them, staring at the bags full of Full Restores and Max Potions behind them: I just...there's so much-

GL, E4, C: But it's not illegal


Lyra, calling Silver: I did something bad

Silver: Put the corpse on ice, I'm on my way

Lyra: What? No, it's not- why would I-


Blue: Love is in the air

Red: spraying a can of roach repellant while holding his nose ...


Hugh: Congratulations about your face

Rosa: What

Nate, whispering to Rosa: I think he's trying to flirt with you


Dawn: I would fight Giratina for our love

Paul: You would fight Giratina for fun, I'm not special


Gladion: Are you ready to commit?

Moon: Like a crime or a relationship?

Gladion: Surprise me


Ash and Gary: staring into each other's eyes

Serena: opens a lemonade can

Gary: We're having a moment

Serena: And I'm having lemonade


Hugh: Quit using the term "butthurt" you're not 12 anymore

Rosa: You sound fannytroubled

Nate: A little bootybothered if you ask me

Cheren: Someone's having a tushytantrum


Max: What's your favorite color?

May: Drew


May: Wait what was the question again


Delia: Do I need to repeat myself? 

Ash: No thanks, I ignored you fine the first time


Author's note:

And that's that! Hope you guys like this chapter at least.

Crystal is out! (>‿◠)✌

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