Pokémon - Spotlight!

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At an Eeveelution family reunion

Vaporeon: I have to pee

Jolteon: I'm better & more talented than all of you

Flareon: I just came for the free food

Espeon: I hate all of you so fucking much

Umbreon: Get out of my office

Leafeon: I want to die

Glaceon: I'm already dead

Sylveon: See you both in hell

Tag yourselves. I'm Flareon  ಥ_ಥ


Pikachu: Hi, I'm joy!

Squirtle: I'm sadness...

Psyduck: I-I'm fear

Charmander: I'M ANGER!

Bulbasaur: Ugh, I'm disgust 

Pikachu: And we are the emotions in your mind!

Ash: screaming


Pikachu: Remember that time we just ate good-ass looking food in the middle of the forest and got drunk.

Squirtle: Bulbasaur was gonna fuck some shit up

Bulbasaur: And I would have but you guys didn't want me to


Highschool stereotypes, GO!

The emos - Absol, Darkrai

The sporty ones - Machop, Machoke, Mega Lopunny 

The popular girls - Gardevoir, Meloetta, Diancee 

The trash - Trubbish, Garbodor 

The smart ones - Slowking, Alakazam 

And the one creepy kid... - Gengar

What other stereotypes are there? And which Pokémon would fit? Comment! ❤(っ^▿^)


When you're forced to communicate with people you don't like-

Ampharos: It's a pleasure to meet you...Oh wait. No, it's not


Blastoise: Squirtle, do you see? points over a distance

Squirtle: I see

Blastoise: Everything the light touches is our kingdom

Squirtle: What about that shadowy area past it

Blastoise: No! That is where the trainers dwell. You must never go there

An hour later

Blastoise: Toucannon, what happened to my son

Toucannon: I'm sorry your highness...but he was captured by a human.

Blastoise: He must be so scared...

Over the shadowy area

Squirtle: So we are going to train and become stronger to be the champion?

Blue: Pretty much

Squirtle: Let's do this!


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