It was good while it lasted...

126 1 2

Ash: Hey, Serena. We need to talk

Serena: About what?

Ash: I'mendingthingswithyousoI'msorryandgoodbye!

Serena: ...wait, what...?


May: Drew...I have something to say...

Drew: What is it, September?

May: I am ending this

Drew: December, we talked about this. No joking

May: I'm being serious...

Drew: ...May, please don't-

May: See you, Drew

Drew: ...


Paul: What's with everyone leaving each other all of a sudden?

Dawn: Well...I mean-

Paul: Troublesome, you better not be thinking about it

Dawn: I-

Paul: I am warning you, Dawn

Dawn: It's over...

Paul: Get out of my face

Dawn: P-Paul, wait...!

Paul: Not a single word from you


Iris: I'm worried about everyone

Trip: Why is that?

Iris: They're leaving each other? 

Trip: Guess I'm joining. See you later

Iris: ...WTF TRIP!


N: Hilda...please don't leave me. I love you

Hilda: If only there were someone out there who loved you...

Hilbert: NO! MY SHIP! WHY!


Rosa: Hugh, I don't want us breaking apart

Hugh: It's too late. It's been done. You can't do anything. Now leave me alone

Rosa: ...



Blue: too?

Red: ...

Blue: Not a word about it, huh...I got my answer...

Red: ...</3


Lyra: Silver...are you going to leave me?

Silver: Fuck no. You better not turn around on me...

Lyra: I wasn't

Silver: Good...

Crystal: Umm...guys...

Gold: ...

Crystal: I think I broke him...

Lyra: Oh no...don't tell me you guys ended it too!

Gold: ...

Silver: He never shuts up...this is weird...

Crystal: I-I'm sorry! runs off

Gold: ...

Lyra: I hope this is fixed soon...


Author's note:

So...I broke my ships?

runs off

Crystal is out!

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