Should I even bother with chapter names?

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Drew: gives May another rose

May: Drew, you always give me red roses. Why can't I have other flowers?

Drew: Hmm...

An hour later

Drew: Here

May: What the-

Drew: I got you 9 other roses

May: Really...

Drew: White is for innocence. Cream is for appreciation. Green is for vitality. Yellow is for friendship, Orange is for enthusiasm. Salmon is for desire. Peach is for gratitude. Pink is for sweetness. Lavender is for charm

May: Wow, I didn't know roses had special meanings behind them. But why do you always give me red roses?

Drew: Because is for romance

May: O-oh...I'm fine with just red roses then blushes

Drew: You can still keep the rest of the roses. But I'll take the salmon one away...


Gold: walks in with a blushing Crystal

Silver: What the hell did you do to my cousin

Gold: Nothing! We went to go get ice cream. Arceus, Silver. I wouldn't pull something on her. She's too cute hugs Crystal tightly 

Silver: Is this true Crys?

Crystal: I-it is. We had ice cream, and then he took me to the day care to see all the baby Pokémon. And now I have my own Pokémon! reveals an Eevee and Pichu

Lyra: Oh my Mew, they're so cute!

Gold: I do like your cousin, Silver. But I'm not going to force her into anything

Crystal: I like him too, cousin...

Lyra: Oh, just kiss and date already. You're like a family already with the baby Eevee and Pichu!

Gold: Don't forget about Togepi

Crystal: Oh right, I have Togepi too

Lyra: fangirls Silver, give this new couple your blessing

Silver: glares at Gold If I hear that you hurt her, I get to kill you

Gold: I would kill myself first if I ever hurt her

Crystal: Must you both be violent...?

Gold: Yes. Now can I kiss you?

Crystal: blushes and runs out of the room, Eevee, Pichu and Togepi running after her

Gold: NO! COME BACK! I'M SORRY runs after her

Silver: What the hell did I just allow...

Lyra: Love. That's what you allowed kisses Silver

Silver: blushes as red as his hair

Lyra: I see that blushing a lot is a family trait 


Nate: So, Rosa. How are you and Hugh?

Rosa: Good I guess? Weren't you with him yesterday?

Nate: Not the point. But how are things between you both?

Rosa: What are you implying?


Rosa: What? Me and Qwilfish head?

Hugh: Stop calling me that!

Rosa: ignores him no, we're not dating. Why?

Nate: smirks is that so? Then go out with me Rosa

Rosa: You know what, Hugh and I have a date to get to. See you! drags Hugh out

Hugh: I didn't agree to this!

Nate: Let my ship sail now


Iris: I need to work on something

Trip: Is it called fashion? Cos you sure need a lot of help in that

Iris: I swear to Arceus I will beat the crap out of you!

Trip: Marry me...

Iris: blushes

Trip: ...I didn't say that in my head, did I?

Iris: shakes her head

Trip: Guess I'll go jump off of a cliff


Trip: Alright, you name the place. I just want to be with you


Ash: I want food...

Brock: You ate half an hour ago

Ash: I want a girlfriend

Misty: Who would even want to date you?

Serena: walks into the room Hi guys!

Ash: Serena, date me

Serena: blushes YES

Misty: Shit...


Author's note: 

I hope you guys enjoyed this! I have no idea where I was going with this really...


Silver: grabs Gold by the ear Leave my cousin alone

Gold: Crys! Save meeeee

And that is that...

Crystal is out (>‿◠)✌ 

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