Boys will be boys

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Ash: Hey, Misty

Misty: What?

Ash: I heard you like bad boys. Well I'm everything winks with both eyes

Misty: Where is my mallet...


Brock: Why can't I find true love!?

Misty: Maybe it's because you hit on every woman we encounter?

May: Who clearly aren't interested in you?

Dawn: And your own Pokémon have to control you?

Olivia: exists 



Kenny: Hey, DeeDee

Dawn: Go away, Kenny. And stop calling me that nickname, I hate it!

Kenny: Why are you with Paul anyways? Didn't you say he was a jerk to people and Pokémon?

Dawn: People change. And I love him just the way he is

Paul: That's my girl. And Kenny, go die


May: Drew, stop giving me roses...please

Drew: But April, this is my way of showing how much I love you

May: glares my bedroom is full of roses. How are you affording this??

Drew: I have my ways...


(I'm going to throw in my OC, Crystal, in this. Not to confuse with Kris from Pokémon Crystal by the way)

Gold: Lyra, what's it like to date someone?

Lyra: It's the best feeling ever. Falling in love at first sight, knowing that they are The One. Your life becomes complete with them in it. And you feel lost without them

Gold: Wonder if I'll meet someone like that...

Silver: walks in with a girl with purple hair

Lyra: Hey honey, who's this?

Silver: This is my cousin, Crystal. She wanted to meet you guys

Gold: has heart eyes

Crystal: looks at Gold and blushes

Silver: Oh Arceus, no please...

Lyra: Oh Arceus, yes please

Crystal: N-nice to meet you two hides behind Silver

Gold: HEY! How about a tour? I'll be your guide, let's go! grabs Crystal's hand and runs out of the room

Crystal: yelps and has no choice but to follow

Silver: I'm going to kill him...

Lyra: No you won't kisses his cheek


N: Hilda, can we go to Nimbasa please? I want to ride the ferris wheel with you again

Hilda: Sure babe we ca-

Hilbert: butts in I'm tagging along

Hilda: Umm, if it's fine with N

N: Of course smiles before whispering in Hilda's ear  we ditch him at the rollercoasters 


Hau: I am so hungry!

Gladion: You're always hungry

Moon: Oh let him be. Just give him a plate of Malasadas and he'll be good for an hour at most

Lillie: At least 45 minutes

Sun: I say 30 minutes

Hau: Wrong...a whole plate will last me for 15 minutes...

Everyone else: Wtf


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