Pick-up Lines (feat. Ships)

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Drew: Hey, May

May: Yes?

Drew: hands her a rose

May: blushes

Drew: Roses are red, violets are blue. If you were a Pokémon, I'd choose you winks

May: faints


Paul: Hey, Troublesome...


Paul: Shush and take this hands her an everstone

Dawn: looks confused what's this for?

Paul: I bought you an everstone, because I love you just the way you are...

Dawn: speechless then kisses Paul

Kenny and Conway: NOOOOOOOOO

Paul: holds up middle finger she's mine assholes


N: Will you be the Nidoqueen to my Nidoking? holds bouquet of flowers

Hilda: You didn't have to ask gets teary


Gladion: Are you a Pikachu? Because you are shockingly beautiful 

Moon: Guess you'll need a Paralyze Heal, because I sure am stunning

Gladion: sprays himself with Paralyze Heal

Moon: sweatdrops I WAS KIDDING!


Hau: You are more beautiful than a Beautifly

Lillie: Oh Hau...blushes


Hugh: My Kadabra just used Future Sight, and it looks like we've got a future together

Rosa: Awwww!

Nate: You don't have a Kadabra though...



Silver: There are a lot of Magikarps in the sea, but I'm looking for a Gyarados

Gold: Did you just call Lyra a ferocious sea-serpent?

Silver: Shut it

Lyra: too busy having heart eyes from the pick-up line


Blue: You must know Gust, because you totally blew me away

Red: ...

Blue: Not a word from you, huh?

Red: ... <3

Blue: shocked from his reaction and faints

Red: shaking his head


Serena: Cophish is red, Golduck is blue. Sugar is sweet and so are you

Ash: Fletching is red, Gengar is black. Go to hell and never come back

Serena: starts wailing

Bonnie: Jeez Ash, that was harsh

Clemont: She really likes you

Ash: I know. I'm just not interested in anyone

Gary: walks by

Ash: waves enthusiastically HEY GARE-BEAR

Bonnie and Clemont: Not interested in anyone huh...


Author's note:

Now you have a glimpse of what ships I like in Pokémon! 

The last one is just a joke by the way so don't hate me Amourshippers (╥﹏╥)

Anyways, more is to come! ❤(っ^▿^)

Crystal is out (>‿◠)✌ 

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