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Ash texting: Hey, Serena. What does idk ily and ttyl mean?

Serena: I don't know, I love you, talk to you later

Ash: Oh okay, love you too. I'll ask Gary

Serena: blushing irl D-did he just said he loves me?


Dawn: And what do we say when life disappoints us?

Paul: Called it

Dawn: Paul, no...


May: Drew, we just sobered up, are you drinking again?

Drew: It's just tea

May: I thought we ran out of tea...what kind?

Drew: Tea... quila

May: ...


Ash: pushing on a door that clearly says pull

Gary: filming him Just push harder


Loud thudding noise 

Clemont: What was that?

Bonnie: A box fell down the stairs

Clemont: That sounded a lot louder than a box

Bonnie: Max was in it


Rosa: Just be yourself. Say something nice

Hugh: Which one? I can't do both


Interviewer: And what do you feel sorry for?

Blue: I feel sorry for Red's boyfriend

Interviewer: And who's Red's boyfriend?

Blue: Me

Red: ...flips him off


Trip: Are you nervous?

Iris: Yes

Trip: Is this your first time?

Iris: No, I've been nervous before 


Moon: I'm crying, you made me cry!

Gladion: Baby

Moon: Now is not the time for pet names

Gladion: No, I'm calling you a baby

Gladion: I'm insulting you

Moon: ...


Lillie: Are you drinking enough water?

Hau: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth

Lillie: What?

Hau: What?


Gold: When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?

Silver: We have a list

Lyra: Do you want to hear it chronologically or alphabetically?

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