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AT THE DISTRICT: H: hey kiddo where are the kid E: at home with gabby They wanted to stay home so I asked gabby if she could watch them until I got off Stella Filling in for her H: ok A: wait my sister gabby E: ya who else would I trust with my kid A: um E: why A: nothing H: alright let get to work any lead on where Jason is Ka: well I got a CI I could take two H: ok take al with you anything else K: ya I think I might have a place he hiding out H: ok go check it out take Antonio and if he their sit on the place and wait for backup Kim and jay go with J: ok K: ok I heard you wait for backup H: and were Adam K: doctor appointment H: for Emma K: no for him H: ok E: hank I have to go H: what up E: I don't know gabby took Everly to the hospital something wrong H: go call me the second you have something E: ya I have to call jay
AT MED: Sophia: mom E: hey she will be ok gabby can you take Sophia and Elijah home Gabby: ya Sophia: mom I want to stay E: I know but I need you to go home W: hey so she Her but when she was one she got high right E: yes when she was one W: over time with that one very high dose of heroin for a one year old messed with her liver and kidney E: how she 3 it happened when she was one W: ya that the problem her tox screen said she been give high dose of a drug called Amphetamine E: what I would of know she has not been high W: it dose not make you high it help with hyperactive she also been give Gamma hydroxybutyrate E: but that a sedative W: ya but she given such a high amount it didn't knock her out. E: omg how could I not W: hey it not your fault E: what do you mean I had no clue she was being drugged W: well I can tell you it stared 2 months ago and it stoped a week ago I started a detoxing and she sedated E: thx ERIN: Once I called hank I explain everything to them and that Jason has targeted Everly from the start the only thing was he could never get her witch is why he running now he know that getting her is a lost cause and was pumping her full of drugs I wanted to kill him but I knew I need to keep my cool and be their for my daughter I was still working the case just from the hospital. I still could not get ahold of jay but hank said he tell him and reach out to him so for now I was just focusing on Everly . I saw the bright side of this was she should not have any symptoms like last time the shaking non of that but she will be off for a few day. Hey will. "Erin Her liver and kidney are not as damage as I thought she will be ok but as she get older it should get worse but for now she ok Will said. " oh thx go. When will she wake up? " in the next hour I want to keep her for a few days Will said." Ok. " hey babe hank told me everything jay said. Ya I'm gonna kill Jason when we find him . " no those trap doors are for your dad not you and our kid let him handle it on jay say." Ok ok I just why is it always our kid that end up hurt? " I know baby but promise me you I'll let Hank handle this jay say." I said ok I say and roll my eyes. I promise. " I love you she will pull through I said going up behind Erin and holding her In a hug. "
AN HOUR LATTER: Sophia: mom E: hey baby it ok she ok Sophia: I know J: sweathart is somthing else wrong Sophia: nothing J: you sure Sophia: no I - I think this is my fault E: what do you mean Sophia: you know that guy that you are after when we where at work And everly wanted something to drink I saw him or I thought I saw him out pot something in Her drink but I didn't know So I never said anything and I didn't want to get in trouble I wanted you two to like me I'm so sorry I should of let her drink it or I should of said something E: hey hey no this is not your fault at all ok the only person that should pay for this is Jason Sophia: I-I'm sorry I understand if you don't want me anymore J: hey it not your fault and of course we want you your our daughter/ niece Sophia: but I did this to her E: no you did not ok no you did not Everly: emm mommy E: hi baby how do feel Everly: fine I-I- I don't like needle mommy J: hey you have to keep that in your arm so you can fell better I know you don't like them I don't like them either but this one is going to help you so you have to leave it alone ok Everly: no daddy I don't want it J: I know you don't but you have to ok I say as Erin come back with will W: hey everly how about this you need to finish your treatment but after I can take it out but you have to drink watter and stay hydrated ok Everly: no no no no I want it out now mommy W: jay don't let her rip that out of her arm I'm gonna sedate her again E: is that safe W: yes she still in a detox and it going to take 3 days to get the drugs out of her System so until then I need her not to rip that needle out of her arm not to mention that if she does the needle could break off or should could seriously hurt yourself. J: Baby please calm down it ok Everly: no no mommy mommy help help mommy help me please please mommy E: wait will stop I say and pick Everly up out of jay arms: shhh it ok mommy and daddy just want you to get better ok. I say will give Everly something to help her calm down. Once Everly back to sleep I set her back down. Put a colorful band-Aid over the iv W: ok I have her a small dose she will be up in an hour E: ok thx you W: ya
5:30PM Hank: hey kid how you doing Everly: look I got a cool band-Aids I have to keep it on mommy said their medicine in the tube the band-Aid keep it in place Hank: that amazing I say and walk up to Erin E: she freaked out when she say the needle so Will had to put her back to sleep so she did not pull the iv out of her arms Will side that she will be ok that it very different then last time so H: well that good Hey kiddo you be good for a few while I talk to mommy and don't take that off ok Everly: ok I won't but can I have ice cream if I do E: not today and you take that off you will be in big trouble missy Do you under me Everly: but it poking me please can I take it off and see E: no I will get your aunt Natalie in a few I need to speak to papa ok Everly: fine H: so on the case we are close but this guy is gone before we get their we do have his next location he trying to make it for the border he paying all in cash Their a hotal by the border Kevin and al are sitting on it we will be ready. E: ok when you find him I want to do the intargation H: Erin E: hank please Beep beep beep E: Everly omg W: what happened E: I stepped out for a few minutes I'm not sure April: she running a fever of 102 Natalie: the detox we you have her on spiked a fever just like last time W: hang another IV and a cooling blanket April: ya Natalie: you good W: ya it my case go they need your help Natalie: ok I'll check on you both before my I leave after my shift E: ya will W: she gonna be ok we just have to keep an eye on her make sure it dose not go up where jay E: he took sophia how so gabby could leave and go home Elijah gonna stay with Hank and W: well I set up a room just like last time April: we gonna move you guys up their I'm gonna give her so thing to help her sleep but I will only help for about an hour because she has a fever any kind of Sedative I give her could Rais her fever so I can ok you give her a small amount but I'll be her all night so just text E: thx will thx April