Part 87

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E: I think it worked she out like a light
J: that good see I told you
E: what
J: I told you that they would be fine and that everything would be fine and that it would all work out she just need time and some fun and she got that all of our kid did
E: ya  hey this is a letter from the judge uhh Sophia ours he he signed off on the  full adoption papers
J:  I thought we had to go into court 
E: I know but just like with everly I pulled some string so we would not have to omg no one take her
J: this is amazing   
E: ya ahhh ohhh
J:   it kick
E: um ya but this one was more like a cramp.
J:  what dose that mean Er
E: jay don't start it just a little Cramp
J: they why are you supporting your stomach like you're in pain
E: I'm fine come on we should head to bed   
J: ok if you say so
E: I say so

J: Me and Erin go  get dressed because she had a doctors appointment for the baby today at 8:30 it way 7:15 Erin made sure Sophia was ready for class at 8:00
E: hey jay the sitter her let ahhh
J: I'm worried about you babe you been in pain all night
E: i told you I'm fine let go
J: uhh Erin
E: I'm walking out the door
J: Erin stop please
E: jay the a 3 years old and 2 years old  are sleeping keep your voice down I'm fine ok let go before we are late
J: stop talk to me now
E: jay I'm fine it just he or she kicking that all please 
J: fine

OBGYN: hi Mis  Halstead mister Halstead my name if Dr Marcus
E: hi I'm Erin Lindsay Halstead you can call me Erin
J: I'm jay Halstead you can call me jay
OBGYN: ok let take a look at your baby any pain
E: no
J: Erin
E: I had some cramps last night and some this morning but it was not two bad
OBGYN: ok on a scale of 1 to 10
E: 5
OBGYN:  ok it could be just growing pains well your baby good would you like to know the sex
J: Erin
E: yes
J: ok yes
OBGYN: it a boy and a girl
E: omg twin
J: babe
E: omg
OBGYN: congratulations to the both of you So with your history in pregnancy and this being your second pregnancy I know you must have some concerts so I want to run some test before you leave they should take about an hour
E: ok
OBGYN: just sit tight
An hour later:
OBGYN: so your test Results are back so you do not have the same complications with your last pregnancy
E: uhhhh ok so what wrong
OBGYN: so this pregnancy is high-risk just not as much  you need to be careful keep your stress levels down keep your blood pressure down as much as possible get some sleep take care of yourself
J: and
OBGYN: Well as your body is in much better shap for your surgery and even though it was a few years ago I still have concerns about your health and the health of caring  twins there's one more test I wanna run it's a CSB test this test is a condition that some pregnant woman will contract and It can sometimes put a lot of strain around your heart which could cause fluid to build up in your lungs or any place in your body it can also cause a tumor I'm worried that you might have it because of your previous pregnancy
J: what happened if she has it
OBGYN: The best option would be to terminate the pregnancy but if not  the. I have no worry's
E: ohh Jay
J: hey we don't know if you have it yet ok let not freak out
E: ok
OBGYN: it going to take 45 minutes it that ok and I hear your cops
J: yes we are detectives
OBGYN: ok  because you are detective you should be on desk duty  the second your vest dose not fit
E: ok
OBGYN: ok I'll be back soon
E:  so
OBGYN:  I'm happy to say you don't have it but I am still a little concerned about your health so please take it easy take care of yourself and I wanna see you another two weeks
E: I will thx god
J: see I told you
OBGYN: your free to go

K: hey how did it go
E: it going to be a boy
Everyone: congratulations
J: and a girl
K: what twins omg
Everyone: congratulations
Ka: so any complications
J: nope The doctor is worried about Erin  health and the babies health with her surgery she had a few years ago but no major serious problems long as Erin takes care of herself the doctor thinks this pregnancy could just fine
E: she said she has worry's  she didn't say everything would be fine
H: but it will  kiddo   Congratulations did you tell your brother  twin wow
E:  I know and yes called him just a few minutes ago
Jules: congratulations Erin
P: so what the new
J: it a boy and a girl
P: congratulations
E: thx
H: ok let get to work kiddo jay brake room
J: why
K: just go
J: ok

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