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Long ago, in an ancient civilization where people existed with the ability to bend one of the four elements to their will, there was a 100-year war that raged between the Fire Nation and the other three Nations of Earth, Air and Water. The Avatar, a being imbued with the extraordinary ability to bend all four elements, had been able to end the war, and bring in an era of peace. But to all lives must come an end. Avatar Aang died and the spirit that granted him his abilities chose its successor.

Avatar Korra, gifted with raw power ever since she was young, faced many challenges in her lifetime. Dealing with non-benders rioting against her and turf wars brewing in the city she called home, Korra overcame the hardships only by breaking the spiritual link that bound all past Avatars together. Yet, the universe found a way; a new link was formed. From Aang to Korra to her successor Avatar Aoma. Avatar Aoma passed, and her successor was born; Avatar Lee.

It was in the early stages of Avatar Lee's training when the conflict that had started with Avatar Korra began bubbling over the edge. Technology had advanced exponentially. Non-benders, getting tired of always being second best and always being pushed around, used this technology in combination with an ancient, spiritual power, and rioted against the world of benders. That world fell into chaos.

Avatar Lee, although young and reckless, fought hard and he fought bravely. The last thing he saw was an explosion, bubbling with purple energy, destroying all that it could find. The Avatar cycle was broken, the world had died and its civilizations buried deep under ground. Humans lived on, their history forgotten and doomed to be repeated. And no Avatar was born in thousands of years.

It was a sunny spring day in the beginning of May when a little girl was born. No one knew back then what she would be capable of, nor what importance she would have, but the universe had chosen her to carry on the legacy of the Avatar. Why it had chosen her was unclear to even herself, but as she grew older she knew she had a destiny to fulfill; to reintroduce the world's forgotten history and bring balance to a world in chaos.

This is Luna Carter, the Avatar.

This is Luna Carter, the Avatar

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