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The Leipzig-Halle airport was empty of people as Luna walked beside her team onto the runway, all of them suited up. Their plan had been put in motion when they had landed on the north runway and Spider-Man had hidden away for his dramatic entrance. Once they approached the parking lot they knew Cap and his team would be at, they split up.

"Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren," the message repeated itself one last time over the intercom, making sure all citizens were safe from harm of the combat that was to come, but Luna was sure it also alerted Steve to their presence.

Walking in long, determined strides through an underpass was Steve Rogers, the man they were there to apprehend. He was headed for a grounded chopper. Tony noticed and, as if he were prepared for this exact situation, shot an electro-disabler onto the chopper. Tony and Rhodey descended from the sky in their Ironman and War Machine suits with a clank of metal on stone.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony asked Rhodey as his helmet was pulled back into his suit to reveal his face.

"Definitely weird," Luna overheard Rhodey reply through her earpiece as she watched from a distance.

Hidden behind a wall were her, Peter, Natasha and T'Challa waiting for their cue.

"Hear me out, Tony," Steve began. "That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this."

T'Challa went out of their hiding place, despite the displeased grumbles of Luna trying to hold him back and flipped over a truck, landing cat-like on the ground. He stood up with a nod. "Captain."

"Your Highness," Steve returned.

"Goddamnit," Luna muttered. "Nobody keeps to the plan anymore these days." Then, realizing what she just said, looked at her hands, "I'm turning into Nick..."

"Anyway," Tony pulled the attention back to himself. "Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy."

"Funny, that's what Carter said. Thing is, she had the sense to realize Barnes is far from innocent." Tony said. "Your judgment is askew, Cap. Your old war buddy killed people long before you knew he was alive, innocent people. He's dangerous, a liability."

Steve shook his head and replied, "And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't."

"That's my cue..." Natasha said, a melancholy meaning behind her words. She walked onto the airport's parking space, surrounded with cars and trucks, and stood behind Steve. "Steve..." she said, startling him as he turned around to face her. "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

"All right, I've run out of patience," Tony said loudly. "Underoos!" he called out.

Luna bumped Peter's shoulder, who was pulling his mask on. "That's your cue, kiddo. Be careful."

"I will, ma—Luna," he replied and swung into the field. He shot out another web, connecting to Steve's shield, pulling it out of the Captain's hand and then another, webbing his hands together before landing smoothly on top of a truck.

"Nice job, kid," Tony praised.

"Thanks," Peter's voice rang awkwardly through the airport. "Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just, the new suit—well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark," he stuttered nervously. "It's—It's perfect. Thank you."

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."

"Okay. Cap—Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man."

Luna, silently and painfully, wondered if she was like this when she was fifteen.

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just—"

"Hey, everyone!"

"Peter, stop talking," Luna quickly said over their comm system. She visibly noticed Peter shutting up.

"You've been busy," Steve noted dryly.

"And you've been a complete idiot," Tony retorted sharply. "Dragging in Clint from his peaceful retirement, away from his family, his kids, for something that's got nothing to do with him."

"'Rescuing' Wanda and Pietro!" Luna called out, her words echoing, as she walked beside Natasha. "From a place they didn't wanna leave in the first place, a safe place. Sorry Tony," she glanced at him quickly, "got bored waiting for my cue." She stepped forward. "Don't you get it, Steve? We don't want to do this. But you're really making it hard to do nothing."

"We're trying—" Tony said, cutting himself off before his voice could break. "I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart."

"You did that when you signed."

Luna sighed and stepped backward, feeling thankful for the caring hand Natasha put on her shoulder. She knew how difficult this was, not only for her, but for Natasha as well. Hell, this was hard for everybody. Luna couldn't even imagine that Steve would feel like he did the absolute right thing if he looked back on this in retrospect. And if he did... Luna didn't want to imagine that Steve cared that little about them, about her.

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