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"Where would Ross keep them? It's a large place, Cap, they could be anywhere," Luna said as she paced back and forth.

"I'm not so sure about that," Steve replied, looking at the schematics of the Raft spread across the table.

He had brought it with him, just in case Luna was thinking what he thought she was thinking; rescuing her friends. "There ain't a lot of places that are strong enough to keep someone like Wanda. They'll be kept here," he pointed to one of the upper levels of the building with a row of cells, all of them lined with metal that probably carried power dampeners with them.

"And if they're not?" she asked.

Steve shrugged. "Let's not think like that, alright?"

Luna sighed deeply. "And the guards? This place is crawling with them. There are cameras around every corner," she said and motioned to the schematics. "I could take them out."

"Not necessary," he said. "Here," he pointed at a room off one of the corridors. "this is the only security room for the whole wing. You take out the people in the room and I'll clear the way to the cells."

Luna nodded along. "So we're really not trying to be stealthy at all?"

"Do we have a reason to be? We're already criminals."

"Good point."

For the rest of the night they stayed up, making sure there would be no surprises when they finally set their plan in motion. They had the quinjet Steve could fly for their entrance and, hopefully, smooth exit.

Luna could already feel her adrenaline flaring. It had been awhile, or at least felt like it, since she had gone on a mission, an actual mission. She hadn't felt like a hero ever since Lagos, but with Cap at the helm and her daggers in her hands, somehow she felt like things could be alright again.

The early morning sun was barely cresting the horizon as the quinjet flew through the air towards the coordinates Natasha had provided. The sky was still a deep navy blue, but little strands of orange had begun floating up, illuminating the clouds in all shades of orange and pink.

"We're approaching the coordinates," Luna said, reading the tablet.

Steve nodded and picked up the radio. "Attention Raft tower, looking for clearance to land."

A crackle sounded through the radio before a voice spoke up. "Security code."

"Accismus," Steve replied.

Luna held her breath as three long seconds passed without an answer.

"Cleared for landing. Look for runway 3," the person said and the radio cut out.

Both of them let out a simultaneous breath of relief as the Raft broke the surface. It was a large, circular building, but at the same time not as large as Luna had expected. Steve landed the quinjet and already they saw two guards coming up to them, presumably to help them with the jet.

"You ready?"

Luna cracked her knuckles. "If you are," she shrugged and shared a smile with Steve before they hopped out of the quinjet, reaching the agents before they could call in their location.

Dragging the two men to a dark and damp corner, they crushed their radios and threw their weapons overboard. It was easy finding their way inside, especially since Luna kept the schematic of the building on her phone. Coming up on a crossroads they stopped and put in their earpieces.

"Left is the security room, I'll call in the second the coast is clear," Luna said.

"I'll clear the way to the cells," Steve added. "Meet me after you're done here."

"Copy that. You got the keycard?"

He held up the card he had stolen from one of the guards outside. They nodded at each other, full of determination, before splitting up. Luna followed the corridor, making sure to keep clear of the cameras. In no time she reached the room. Taking a broad stance, she moved her arms in a pulling motion, slowly creating a vortex, sucking all of the air out of the room. It stayed quiet inside before she started hearing choking sounds.

That was her que to let the air back in and kick the door open. It was a larger room than she had expected and occupied a lot more people. But she had surprised them and at least half of them were knocked out, the rest was in a daze. She took them out easily. Coming up to the screens broadcasting and recording the camera footage, she strained her mind to remember how to loop cameras but eventually made it work.

"Coast is clear," she said through her earpiece. "I'm coming to jo—" she began saying, but something caught her eye.

"Copy that. What were you saying?" Steve responded.

"Keep going. You'll find Sam and the rest," she said, looking at the cameras in the cells. "Wanda and Pietro aren't there," she noticed, they weren't anywhere on the cameras. They're in a different wing, Luna realized.

"Luna, wait for me—"

She cut him off, "don't bother, Cap. Get the rest out of here, we'll meet you at the quinjet."

She heard him sigh. "Don't get dead."

Luna had already begun running before she realized she had no idea in which wing Wanda and Pietro were being kept.

"Fuck..." she murmured as she came to a stop.

Something pulled at her mind. Something so light and unnoticeable that Luna's first thought was to dismiss it. But then she felt it, the familiar and calming presence of Wanda poking at the outskirts of her consciousness. Taking deep breaths, she let the magic breach her mind. Luna began to see a string of red mist floating in the air; Ariadne's string pulling her out of the labyrinth. There was no hesitation as Luna began sprinting.

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