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Luna twitched in her unconscious state and a small whimper came from her throat.

Tony frowned at her, he had found her like this in an empty hallway.

He'd quickly gotten her to the Quinjet as Clint checked her for injuries and besides the usual scrapes and bruises, she seemed fine. The two had no idea how long she'd been like this or if she was still under the effect of Wanda's mind magic. If she even was under that spell.

The rest of the Avengers sat in the Quinjet as it took flight in the middle of the night, Clint piloting. Except for Tony and Clint, they had all been spelled. And now it was the aftermath of the damage that had been done. Specifically by Bruce. He'd had it the worst.

After Wanda spelled him, he transformed into the Hulk and him and Tony, who had a special Hulk-buster suit, fought to get Banner back in a small town off the African coast. But a fight like that doesn't go quietly or without damage.

"The news is loving you guys." Maria Hill said over the radio. "Nobody else is."

Tony closed his eyes with a sigh as he leaned deeper in his chair.
"There's been no official call for Banner's arrest, but, it's in the air." Hill continued.

"The Stark Relief foundation?" Tony asked. A foundation that he had started and funded after The Battle of New York to help renovation, rebuilding projects, and helped rescues on the ground.

"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's..." Tony looked around.

Steve was brooding silently, Natasha staring off into nothingness, Bruce sat shaking on the Quinjet floor and Thor was pacing up and down. Luna was still out cold on the bench, occasionally letting out a murmur or whimper.

"We took a hit. We'll shake it off."

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and... stay away from here." Hill offered.

Tony leaned in closer to the small screen showing Maria's face, "So, run and hide?"

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

He sighed at the distraught faces of his team, "Neither do we." He clicked off the radio.

Tony stood up and walked over to the pilot seat where Clint was flying the jet. "Hey, you wanna switch out?"

"No, I'm good." Clint said, keeping his eyes on the cloudy night sky, "If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time. Besides, you should keep an eye on Luna. We're still a few hours out, she might wake up soon."

"Few hours from where?" Tony asked.

"A safe house." Clint answered, vague as ever.

• • •

Luna twitched in her unconscious state and a small whimper came from her throat. She opened her eyes. She vaguely remembered someone picking her up and a breeze fanning her face and now feeling a cold, hard floor beneath her. Where was she? The Quinjet? No, she couldn't be.

The scenery in her mind changed from nothing to a snowy, winter street, a starry night sky twinkling down at her. She tried to calm herself. Was this Wanda? Was the girl still playing with her mind? But Luna didn't recognize the street, or the house that stood in front of her or the happy laughter of children from inside, where the deep yellow lights were on and the fire place was crackling.

It all happened so fast, something hit near the house, and exploded. Luna dove to the ground, covering her head desperately. People were screaming, children crying. For a moment she was scared to look up, but she did, and the sight was horrifying. The house she saw was now a pile of barely standing pillars and rubble. She heard a whistle coming from above and another shell hit.

It didn't go off.
She treaded closer. Beep. Beep. Beep. A red dot blinked at her. Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw the logo painted on the bomb. Stark Industries.

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