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Waking up the day after hacking into Stark Industries certainly went a lot smoother than it usually did for Luna Carter. With an extra pep in her step, Luna dropped Amy off at school and decided to skip school entirely that day, because she deserved it. Instead, as an after-birthday celebration, she decided to get ice cream.

Over the long years of running out of allowance at the orphanage, she had been getting good in alternative ways of getting her hands on money. Today was a special occasion, she thought, she was celebrating. And what better way to celebrate than to pickpocket some unsuspecting stranger?

The Brooklyn streets were filthy and crowded, with a blue tint since there was a thick layer of clouds covering up the sun. Luna walked along on the pavement, avoiding sweaty men and prissy women as she let her eyes scan the crowd.

At each possible victim, she went along her mental checklist: good excuse to bump into them, accessible pockets, laid-back attitude. The last thing she needed was some New Yorker yelling at her and derailing her entire plan to score some much-needed ice cream.

Coming towards her, walked a possible target; eyes glued to her phone, to-go coffee in her hand and sunglasses on her face even on a cloudy day. Luna nodded to herself and sped up, going in a slow jog and making herself stumble and fall, her shoulder ramming harshly against the woman. The lid of the woman's cup flew off and coffee spilled over her leather jacket.

Luna stopped and began her act. "Oh my god, I am so sorry," she said, trying to clean up the dripping coffee.
The woman brushed her red hair out of her face and adjusted her large sunglasses, waving the girl off. "It's fine, kid, just watch where you're going next time."
She sighed in relief and handed the woman her now-empty coffee cup. "I will, and again, so sorry!"
"Alright," the woman mumbled under her breath and rushed off, going back to her phone.

Luna watched as the woman walked away without a second glance. Rushing through the crowd of people, she ducked into the first alleyway she could find and held out a sleek black wallet in front of her face. A victorious smirk made its way onto her face as she opened it and found five bucks just screaming to be used to buy ice cream.

• • •

With her legs dangling from the rooftop of a random Brooklyn building, Luna licked her melting ice cream just before it could drip onto her hand. She sighed in content as the spring breeze fanned her face and the scarce sunlight beamed down at her. She stared at the horizon, seeing the Hudson River vaguely in the distance.

With school, chores, practice and taking care of Amy, she sought after moments she could have to herself, where she could take a moment and push all her thoughts out of her mind. These were the moments she treasured the most, when it was her and the bustling noises of Brooklyn beneath her. She took a minute and breathed deeply, closing her eyes for a moment.

Goosebumps grew on the back of her neck as the air rippled behind her. She strained her ears and picked up a pair of footprints coming toward her on the rooftop.

"Good try, but I can hear you sneaking up behind me," Luna spoke up, swallowing the last bit of her ice cream cone. She licked her lips and stood up on the ledge.
"Who said I was trying to sneak up on you?"

She slowly turned around, stepping away from the ledge and coming face to face with a woman she barely recognized; it was the red-headed woman whose wallet she had stolen earlier that day, and she did not look happy.

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