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Luna hated New Jersey. As a native New Yorker, she felt the responsibility to perpetuate this hatred deeply, so she had always avoided Jersey whenever she could. She sadly didn't have a choice anymore. Not even her love for the 70s could keep the sour look off her face as Steve, Tony, and she were spit out of the quantum realm. Their eyes had to adjust to the sudden brightness of the sun, and they had to wait for the ringing in their ears to stop to fully take in their surroundings.

Camp Lehigh, Steve's former training ground, stood ahead of them. The concrete lanes and alleys were bustling with military, officers loading crates off of trucks, others tending to weapons and various machinery. At the entrance stood a large sign that displayed:

Camp Lehigh
78th Infantry division
Birthplace of Captain America

"Clearly you weren't actually born here, right?" Tony asked as they walked into camp.
"The idea of me was," Steve responded.
"Right. Well, imagine you're S.H.I.E.L.D. running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization... Where do you hide it?"
The three of them effortlessly made their way across the sidewalk, searching all around for any sign of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s presence. No one had noticed them yet, since Luna had managed to secretly 'borrow' three outfits from the bunks at the edge of camp.

Steve and her looked like simple soldiers, dressed in green over-alls; Luna's tied at places with safety pins that were lying around, since a grown man's uniform was way too large on her, and Steve with an additional cap and sunglasses as not to be recognized. Tony took the last option Luna had grabbed; the tie and jacket of some other official or lab-tech.
Steve came to a stop as they reached the end of the walkway, and nodded ahead, responding, "In plain sight."
Not too far ahead stood a single, plain ammunition bunker, nothing too special about it. They watched as two suits opened the door, took a last look around outside, and stepped in. Tony frowned, double-tapped his glasses and started the x-ray scan. Within seconds he turned back to them and confirmed S.H.I.E.L.D.'s location.

There was only one way into the secret base, the elevator, and they were unfortunate enough to have to share it with a serious-looking woman with a badge around her neck and official-looking files in her hand. She looked at them as they stepped in, and Luna stepped quickly in front of Steve to try and hide his identity, since he was supposed to be buried in ice at this point in time.
The elevator rumbled, stopped, and binged before the doors slid open. Tony and Luna glanced at each other.
"Good luck on your mission, Captain," Tony said, stepping out as inconspicuously as possible.
Luna reassuringly patted Steve's arm once and followed after Tony.
The second the elevator doors closed, Tony grabbed Luna and set the pace to a light jog. The floor they were brought to was quieter than above ground, and barely anyone paid them much attention.
"Wait," Luna said, coming to a halt. She looked at the wall of the corridor beside her, where a map of the floor was hung up. "Look." She pointed at a room at the far end of the corridor called 'Artifact Room.'
Tony double-checked and nodded. "Let's go."
They reached the room quickly and without trouble. Stepping across the entrance, Tony double tapped his glasses again and began scanning every box and crate that looked even remotely important, while Luna stayed at the entrance and stood watch.

Most of what she could see from her spot she didn't recognize; some computers, lab equipment and the sort, white led light coming from the ceiling. She could hear Tony muttering curses underneath his breath as the minutes ticked by and he still hadn't found the Tesseract, until she heard him call her name urgently.
"You found it?" Luna questioned as she rushed to where he stood, grabbing a briefcase from one of the desks as she did so. She got no answer from Tony, as he was already busy cracking open the reinforced crate with the lasers from his Ironman glove.
A bright, blue light erupted from the crate as he opened the doors. As Luna shielded her eyes, Tony carefully grabbed the cube with his gloves and set it down slowly into the briefcase. With the light now gone, Luna could see again and snapped the case shut. Luna and Tony released their breaths simultaneously as part 1 of their plan was finally completed. One step closer to bringing them all home.
"Arnim, you in there?" someone called out from the entrance of the room.
Startled, Luna and Tony snapped their heads to the intruder. He was wearing a suit and looked quite professional overall, but when he turned around to face them, both their jaws dropped. Luna recognized this man, of course she did. It was Howard Stark, famous millionaire and scientist. And Tony's dad.
As soon as the realization set in, Luna muttered, "Dude..."
"What is happening?" Tony whispered.
"I don't know, go talk to him or something."
"Talk to him? Absolut—"
Luna cleared her throat and loudly announced, "Okay, that will be all, sir. I'll take this to our associate as quick as possible. Good work, today." She grabbed the briefcase, gave a encouraging smile to Tony, and a polite nod to Howard Stark as she walked past him and out of the room.
Luna finally found Steve when she bumped into him going around a corner. A panicked look sat on his face and without saying anything to her, he grabbed her arm in a tight grip and pulled her into the closest office.
"What the fuck, Steve?!" she exclaimed, but he quickly put a hand over her mouth.
"Quiet. We got made. The woman in the elevator," he said swiftly, dropping his hand and stepping back.
Loud footsteps made their way past the closed door, and they could just make out the sounds of agents over the walkie talkie talking about a possible breach.
"Did you get it?" he asked, showing her his own case with the Pym particles.
Luna held up the briefcase and handed it to him. "You take it. I'm not walking around with that responsibility." As Steve checked out the Tesseract, Luna looked out the door again. She spotted the letters on the opaque window, her breath hitching in her throat.
"Whose office did you drag me into?"
"What do you mean?" he asked. Turning around, the question didn't need to be answered, as he saw the same letters:

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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