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The ride in the mysterious black car was silent, with Luna and Fury alone in the back and the two agents in the two front seats. Bopping her knee up and down, Luna stared out the darkened window as they sped through the New York streets. They were going toward the coast, she realized as her anxiety flared once more.

This was not how she expected her day to go. She worried about Amy, what the girl would think when Luna wouldn't be home after school. What was S.H.I.E.L.D. going to do with her? She hadn't done anything wrong. Well, not anything that would cause danger to people. Yet, Fury seemed ever so intrigued.

They drove over a harsh bump in the road and she could hear the Lower Bay bustling with people. The car stopped and she followed Fury out onto the street.

The air had cooled down considerably, the transparent-looking moon had begun to rise as the orange hues of the sky were transforming into pink and lilac.

Looking around, she realized that they had not stopped at the docks, but on a ship. A ship that stretched across the entire bay. White guiding lines had been painted on the smooth asphalt, and as she looked around at the people who were at work, she figured this had to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Luna rushed to the edge and watched as the sun fully disappeared behind the Brooklyn skyline.

"I know, right?" Fury said, the satisfied smirk on his face infuriating.

She breathed in deeply, seeing herself surrounded by water and agents rushing across the deck. She narrowed her eyes at Fury and spit, "Oh shut up, Blackbeard." She walked beside him as he lead her towards the door. "Are you gonna tell me why you're holding me prisoner?"

He rolled his eye. "This would go a lot easier if you'd stop being dramatic."

"And my life would go a lot easier if you stopped wearing that pirate-matrix hybrid of an outfit and just let me get on my way. Guess we're both not getting what we want."

He didn't seem amused as they walked inside of wherever he had brought her. "It's called the helicarrier," he said and motioned around the corridor. "An advanced S.H.I.E.L.D. base perfect for operating on the move. In here." He led her through a door and into what seemed to be a conference room.

The walls were bare, one of them fully of glass and looking out over the docks. At the end hung a TV, with in front of it a long, rectangular conference table. At it, sat a familiar redhead lounging in one of the chairs. Luna groaned silently and sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the agent, letting her bag drop to the ground.

"Luna Carter, meet agent Romanoff," Fury introduced as he took a seat at the head, leaning his arms on the table.

"You broke my leg," Luna grumbled, crossing her arms impetuously.

"Your ankle," Romanoff corrected. "Besides, you didn't give me back my wallet. Seems like you're doing just fine to me?" she retorted, keeping her face stoic and gesturing to Luna's ankle beneath the table.
She leaned forward, glaring heavily. "You little Weasley—"
"Okay, kid, calm down," she said.

Luna scoffed as the agent pissed her off even more and began standing up.

"Okay!" Fury interrupted loudly. "Let's move on." He threw a beige folder onto the table and said, "You want to know why you're here. Answer is, we need your help."

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