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Luna breathed in the fresh outside air as she, Tony, Steve and Thor walked along the side of the new Avengers compound. Tony decided, after the tower being attacked and nearly destroyed on multiple occasions, to move the operation to upstate New York.

It had been about two weeks since... everything, and Luna had been busy with flying to and from her apartment, trying to get everything in order again. Mostly she had been flying around, from building to building, with her glider, trying to get the gruesome images of Sokovia out of her mind. She hadn't exactly been sleeping well.

"Any word on Banner?" Luna asked tentatively. She didn't know exactly what had happened, but the Hulk managed to fit himself in the Quinjet, and then the jet got out of control and flew off the radar.
"Nothing, it's like he just vanished." Tony answered, "If he was on Earth, we should've been able to get a trace, a clue, or just... anything. But there's nothing."
Luna patted his arm, "He'll show up sooner or later."

"Clint?" Steve spoke up.
"Packing as we speak," Tony replied, "Think the whole Pietro sacrificing himself really shook him up. He's going back to his family for a while."
"Good." Luna said. "And you three?"
The four came to a stop on the vibrant grass.

Thor spoke first, "I'm going searching for information, for the stones. Then, it is time I go home. Asgard awaits."
Luna smiled up at him, a hopeful look on her face.
"Soon, lady Luna. Heimdall will summon you when it is time." He said with an amused smile.
Tony scoffed, "So Carter gets to go to space and we have to stay here? Unfair."
Luna crossed her arms and turned to him "Oh, I'm sorry, do you have a magical mythical spirit living inside you that gives you superpowers?"
"No." Tony pouted.

"Asgard has the largest library in the Nine Realms, there is a whole section dedicated to Earthly spirits and it's protector." Thor explained, "Asgardians and The Avatar have always been friends. When I was a child, I had the honor of meeting Avatar Korra." Thor paused and stepped a few feet away, "I must go now, friends. I will see you soon." Thor looked up, "Heimdall?"

A rainbow rushed down from the sky and a heat emanated onto Luna's face. As soon as it started, it was over and in Thor's place was now an intricate, burning pattern carved into the grass.
"The guy has no consideration for lawn maintenance." Tony commented, shaking his head.

• • •

Luna sighed deeply as she rested against the wall, looking into the small room at the new Avengers compound. The move from the Tower in Manhattan to the compound upstate wasn't done yet, but the med-bay was the first thing to be up and running.

Pietro's breast heaved heavily up and down. He had woken up for small, blurry moments ever since he was brought there. Luna could still see the circular, red wounds where the bullets had entered his chest and where she had messily and roughly yanked them out. Dr. Cho said he had lost a lot of blood, and that his vital organs had sustained a large amount of damage. It was a miracle Pietro was still alive. Luna guessed she was good for something after all.

This was the first time that Luna had visited Pietro since Sokovia. She hadn't been able to bring herself to do it earlier, especially since Wanda was by his side every minute of every day and the girl still kinda freaked Luna out.

Luna coughed, and Wanda's head snapped her way. "He'll be fine, you know." Luna said reassuringly, putting up a soft smile. "His cells regenerate faster than a normal human, which is just all kinds of awesome..." She trailed off as Wanda stood up from the chair next to the bed and stepped her way. "Sorry." Luna mumbled, fiddling with her hands.
Wanda moved closer until she could wrap her arms around Luna.
"Oh—uhm..." Luna said, eyes wide as her arms sort-off flailed around behind Wanda's back. She resorted to just resting them on the girl's back. "What are you--"

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