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Luna woke up with a start. Instantly, a nauseous feeling came over her. Her head spun, as she tried and failed to remember where she was. Even stranger, she could not, for the life of her, remember how she had gotten there. Luna sat up straight and felt the table underneath her, sturdy and cold.

Looking around her she found herself in one of the most fascinating rooms she had ever seen. The floor had a geometrical pattern and in the middle of the room was another large, cilindric room with stairs going around it. The roof was painted with white-on-black patterns and symbols she didn't recognize. Luna's first thought was that of a lab, a really cool and futuristic lab.

"Hello?" Luna called out but immediately regretted it as the words pounded in her head. She stood up slowly, tip-toeing through the room and marveling at the many scientific devices and equipment.

"Good, you're awake!"

Luna hadn't heard someone entering the room, she must've been off her game because usually she would feel it if she was being snuck up on. She turned to the entrance where a girl about her age, maybe a year younger walked into the lab-ish room. She wore a white dress that reached to her knees and her hair was braided into a practical up-do. She had a choker adorned with shells around her neck.

"You had us quite worried there for a moment, Avatar." The girl spoke with an accent Luna couldn't quite place yet.

Maybe South-African, oh god, was she in Africa?! And that would raise the question of how the hell Luna had gotten there in the first place. Luna's hand slowly went to her boots where she always kept her knifes, only to realize she was bare-foot. She also wasn't wearing her dear jacket. Actually, she wasn't wearing anything that belonged to her.

"Oh, yes. We had to fabricate you new clothes because your old one's were all ripped. Do not worry, your backpack was fine, but you were in quite a state when you showed up at the border," the girl said. "You were out for an entire week."

Luna's eyes widened. Her mind raced with possibilities. Had this girl drugged and kidnapped her? Or did she get here by herself? She vaguely remembered soaring through the air but the memories stopped there.

"I've been out for a week? No, wait, who the fuck are you? Where am I?" She wasn't concerned with her headache anymore, the dull aching replaced with worry and stress and anxiety, the usual.

The girl seemed more amused than anything. She walked to one of the nearby computer screens. "Do you remember anything yet? You were pretty out of it."

Luna finally deemed the girl not much of a threat, with those skinny arms and the white get-up she seemed more a scientist than a fighter. So she relaxed, jumped back on the table and perched crossed-legged on top of it, "I'm gonna ask you again, where am I?"

"Wakanda." The girl said.
Well, shit. So she was in Africa.

"We found you crashed in the lake near the border, we had to fish you out. It was really funny." The girl continued as she grabbed Luna's bag from behind the table and handed it over. "My name is Shuri."

Luna's gears started turning. Wakanda? Where had she heard it before? "Isn't Wakanda a poor country?" She gestured to the high-tech equipment all around her.
Shuri smiled, "We like others to believe that, if people knew what we really were it would be dangerous."
"Mysterious, I like it." Luna said and went through her backpack.

She pulled out the usual: spare change of clothes, knives and a weird, long wooden stick. A button protruded from the wood, and of course Luna couldn't resist pushing it. The stick expanded, first longer, to Luna's height. Then it spread purple wings. She had seen this before; a glider? Then she remembered, "I made this."
"You remember? You took a hit to the head when you fell, I wasn't sure every memory would be in place." Shuri said, "I have been helping the healing process but I couldn't do much until you woke up."
"I made this. I remember," she dug deep and then laughed at herself, "I remember dropping out of high school. I remember getting a job at a coffee shop, the ones where they actually sell coffee, and... an apartment?" She snapped her finger in the air, "I got emancipated, that's it!"

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