A slight wink

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After the laughter died down. She told me that I was interesting and introduced herself as Sophia. Did she not remember me? Was I that easily forgettable. we had already met. And I had been thinking about her a lot, had she not been thinking about me? Jesus. I'm dumb. I had stopped smiling and now my nerves started acting up again. I began shaking and wondering why she didn't remember me. "We..uh, I think we already met. My names Luna."

"Luna? Thirteen cents girl? Oh yeah I remember you, I totally thought you had longer hair though."
Shit. I did cut my hair. She hadn't seen me after that, I forgot. But she does remember me. I'm the thirteen cent girl. She remembers. "Yeah, I actually cut it after I saw your hair." I told her "It's really nice" I mumbled.

35. Changing your appearance and looking different

We had arrived at her stop, I knew it was maple but I wasn't going to tell her I knew, I didn't want to scare her off so early on. "Well this is my stop Luna, but here's my number, in case you wanna hang out sometime." She winked at me and left the bus. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. I saw the number she'd written on my hand and immediately put it in my phone. God she was really pretty. But in a friends kind of way, because I'm not into girls, I'm not into her like that.

This might be the start of a friendship and it scared me a little because I didn't have many friends and I was scared she wouldn't like me.
36. New friendships
37. Getting phone numbers written on your hand
38. Saying bye to someone when you really don't want to

I started saying all my reasons for living, and when I was with her, I could think of a lot more than usual. I thought about "clouds and how they look like cotton candy", "soap bubbles and blowing bubbles", "avocados" and "apple juice", not together though, that would be weird. I thought about "sunrises" and "sunsets" and "snowing on Christmas Day" and "the color purple" and "rainy days when you can stay inside", and "old ladies", and "listening to music through headphones and hearing the sound bounce from ear to ear" and "pennies" and "paper bags" and "meeting new people" and being "surprised like at birthday parties or surprised when someone you really want to see sits next to you on the bus". 53 reasons so far, and maybe the world isn't so bad.

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