Taco night

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We went down stairs and watched TV together. I made sure not to sit really close to her or I don't think I would be able to breathe. She didn't seem to care how close I sat, or if our fingers touched when we both went to reach the popcorn. Why would she, we're just friends, or are we even friends.

Her mom came in and out, asking if we wanted more popcorn, or making jokes about Frankenstein, the movie we were watching. I remembered how Mom and my relationship used to be like that, when we talked about everything, and how different everything was now. I zoned out for a minute and it made me upset, but I was quickly distracted by Sophias mom constantly talking about dinner and asking if I wanted to stay. I really didn't want to go home and be alone, so I decided to stay.

Her mom asked if Sophia and I wanted to help, and we both had nothing better to do so we said yeah. Going into her kitchen and seeing everything laid out from chicken to taco shells, to tomatoes and onions to spices and tortilla rolls, I forgot that people actually cooked food every night and didn't just get take out or eat left overs. "TACO NIGHT!!" Her mom screamed with glee as she saw my face, probably plastered with amazement and she put on some Spanish music and started dancing. "My mother used to love this song and she taught me how to have taco night the real way, and now I teach you and Sophia."
68. Taco night
69. How many different spices there were and how if I died, I wouldn't be able to try them all.

By the end of the night, it wasn't awkward anymore. We began talking a lot, about almost everything and anything, while filling up and eating as many tacos as we could. I told her about Jeremy and what a dick be was, and the cigarettes and Niji and the Valentine's Day letter, which we both started laughing about again. "Did you ever find out who sent it?"

70. When people remember small things about you.
"My stupid brother!" I had completely forgotten about the letter again. All I could think about was the moment right then and there and how I never wanted to leave. Every time her mom would make a joke, Sophia would laugh so heartedly, like on the bus. I laughed a lot tonight, which wasn't a common occurrence, and every now and then I would look over to Sophia laughing and I sunk into myself a little.

I learned how she was a complete book nerd, and read over 300 books in her free time. I learned her father left her mom when she was little and she barely knew him. I learned that she didn't have any siblings and I wondered how different her life was, with just her mom and her...and annabeth of course. I wondered how her mom could be so cheerful after her husband left her, despite it being almost fifteen years  ago.

10:56 pm.
It was getting late and Sophias mom decided to drive me home. The ride from her house to mine wasn't that far, only five minutes taking the inroads, which made me wonder why I hadn't met her before, and why she didn't go to my school. I should ask her next time. Usually if it was just me and a parent in the car, I would hate every single second of it, but with Sophie's mom I felt relaxed. After the wild night I just had, I felt free. "Good night Luna, it was wonderful meeting you!" I felt happy. Which is something I haven't truly felt in a really long time.

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