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Harry POV
It was too late.
I trudged along the corridor, my vision blurred with the tears that freely fell. I was alone. I had no way back. A choke escaped as I sat against a random wall. I'm in a world where my mere existence is a secret burdening me to the ground. Forget all the funny time travel movies you've seen and books. You are wired to be in one place, it's just how it is. Cedric kept me grounded, he was a glimpse of the world left behind but now he was gone.

I want to mourn him, I want to remember him but he's not even a memory amongst these people. He never existed and I'm stuck with the suffocating pain of his life that once bloomed. The comfort he once radiated was never to be felt again.

I placed my head in my hands and pushed my knees towards me, remembering the memory of remembering him because thats what it is isn't it, one day he will be a fading thought in my mind because I didn't remember him enough.

I searched every corridor for Harry but I couldn't find him. I even went up to Gryffindor weirdly but when I got closer, I forgot why I even went there to look for him and turned back. After 3 hours of nothing, I rested my back on a wall and sighed. Where was he? After a few moments, I made my way back incase I saw him on the way. A sob echoed in the corridor and my heart went silent. A feeling foreign to me. It was Harry. He was curled up in ball, shaking as if he was turning into ice. I rushed forward and hesitated to touch him, worried what the reaction would be.

"Harry" I softly whispered. A face peeked out, cheeks covered with tears still falling, making my heart clench at the sight. "Tom" Harry whispered with difficulty as if his sadness was choking him in the spot.

My immediate thought was to ask him what's wrong but he looked too distraught and it wasn't fair to remind him of the pain that is still currently taking over his mind. I hesitated as I crouched down and put my arms around him. Touch is not my specialty, especially in comforting. Harry tensed up but in a few seconds, he hugged back, breaking down with the touch. A tuft of hair tickled my neck and my shirt began to absorb his tears. I tensed slightly before relaxing and moving my body towards the wall with Harry on top of me. He continued to cry as I rubbed his back. I think that's the right thing because he started to quieten. I glanced down and saw his head burying into my chest and on urge I kissed his forehead.

We stayed there for awhile till Harry fell asleep, tears now dried on his cheek. I slowly got up with him in my arms and walked back to the common room. Discreetly, I entered, my followers immediately knew and nodded. I spared them a glance before walking upwards to my room.

Harry stirred in my arms and I immediately stopped on the stairs. I didn't want him to wake up. He needed sleep. When he snuggled back, I entered my room and placed him under the sheets. He looked peaceful but I knew that was the last emotion that the boy was probably feeling. I sat on the chair next to the bed and sighed. My patience challenging me as I stared at Harry but I knew that he is the only one I will ever wait for. He is the only exception.

Hi, I don't think I've introduced myself in this book before. I just want to say thank you for reading, sorry if there is any errors. I've just read so much fan fiction that I decided to write one myself about tomarry.
To give a sum up of this upload, Cedric seems to have stopped existing and Harry is still processing it. Tom has no clue why Harry is distraught but is suppressing his cold, calculating persona for Harry. Next upload, you will see there interaction regarding it and a bit more possibly. :-)

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