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I walked through the doors, fashionably late and entered the Great Hall. The Slytherins looked up immediately and followed my steps up till my seat. I still feel amused at the obvious breakdown of their egos. A supposed mudblood entering the house, reaching the top of the hierarchy and then turning out to be the heir of Slytherin. I got to admit, I make quite a impression.

"Tom? Where were you?" Avery muttered from next to me. "Apparently there are new students joining, in our year." Orion exclaimed. Ignoring Avery completely, I looked up and indeed saw a boy. Petite, skinny, but powerful. The magic that radiated off him, was intoxicating. My magic sensitive mind relished in the power. Alongside him was a taller boy, handsome too but less powerful.

"Harry Potter will be joining Slytherin, which was decided by the sorting hat before this gathering and Cedric Diggory will be joining Gryffindor." Dippet announced. The boy started walking towards the table, in a manner that screamed that he would like to be anywhere then here. He glanced back at the taller boy and nodded. Orión being the kind person in every situation ushered him towards us.

"I'm Orión Black" Orión introduced himself with a smile. He was always too soft but his connections made him valuable. "Harry Potter" the boy answered quietly. "How comes you came so late in the year?" Orión asked. I sighed. "We escaped from a dark lord". He replied. "Are you related to the potters?" Avery asked with hatred in his voice. " I don't think so" he mumbled with a delay. He turned around and met eye contact with the taller boy. They just stared at each other before Harry turned back. "If you need any help adjusting come to me straightaway. I'm a prefect or Tom. He's the head boy." Orion said with a smile. Harry looked up at me but instantly directed his eyes away with a frown. I guess what ever impression I have given has flopped. He was quick but I briefly saw the dislike in his eyes.

Harry POV
The last thing I remember before all this was Cedric and I touching down into a graveyard, narrowly escaping, touching the triwizard cup and then entering the past instead of Hogwarts. Cedric and I had to spend the summer in the Leaky Cauldron courtesy to the aurors that found us. Now I'm entering the sixth year.

Every second in the past was suffocating. The feeling of being in the wrong place enveloped Cedric and I. After seeing the face of Tom Riddle, I saw flashbacks of being back in the Chamber of Secrets. The desperation to save Ginny overpowered me in the chamber and now the sadness that I may never see her again. Orion looked so much like Sirius, obviously being his Dad. He seemed nice and exactly like Sirius. I wonder what made him become a pureblood fanatic. Everybody addressed themselves. They all were other versions of the generation in the future. I could see glimpses of Draco Malfoy in Abraxas Malfoy and glimpses of the death eaters in their ancestors. Most looked judgemental, I sighed and decided I need friends outside this group. Tom Riddle was the leader, of course. Everybody glanced at him before doing something that could raise questions. He must have declared his status already.

The meal ended quickly then Orion led me to the Slytherin common room. It was the same from when I saw it in my second year, just a few things were different. "Orion could you show me the dorms. I would like to retire for the night" I softly spoke to Orion. I felt like I could trust him the most out of these lot but still be wary as he was in the clutches of Riddle. Orion smiled and ushered me to a dorm. My bed was against the wall. I said thank you and sat on my bed as he left. I peered on the next bed and saw a trunk with T Riddle on it. Great. The next one said O Black. I closed the curtain and took out the mirror which showed Cedric. It was in the lost and found of the leaky Cauldron. The kind owner let us keep it as it had been gathering dust for a while.

"Cedric" I whispered. Cedric appeared. "Harry. How are you? Riddle is Voldemort right?" Cedric asked with concern. "Yeah. He's already got control and power." I replied. "Everybody is nice here, I've met my grandad. It's weird. He insisted I was related to him but I got myself out of it." Cedric said with a pause. I heard voices nearby and instantly threw the mirror into the trunk. Thankfully they let me be and went into their own beds. I muttered some spells and fell asleep.

The next morning I was the first to get up. It was too early to go into the main hall so I sat down in the common room waiting for time to pass. I opened the spell book and decided to pass the time with some learning. I was so engrossed in the book weirdly, that I didn't see a snake slither around my legs. I immediately thought of Nagini but knew it was not as Voldemort found Nagini at a later stage in his life. This snake seemed smaller, more wild. The snake muttered about how nobody gave her attention other than the one boy. I ignored the snake, not wanting anyone to know I could speak parseltongue. Even though nobody's in the room, I couldn't take any risk. This world was new and I wanted to stay in the shadows before I acted anyway.

"Up early" a voice interrupted my thoughts. Riddle was looking at the snake and then at me. I was startled to which riddle interpreted as fear. "It's the house snake, hope you're not scared" Riddle spoke. "No I'm not." I replied. Others came into the common room. Orion came beaming down and greeted me with a smile. His happiness was so contagious, it made me smile. "Come on let's go to the main hall." He dragged me away. "Do you play quidditch?" Orion asked on the way. "Yeah, I played seeker in... the backyard with my friends at home." I replied. "Ooh we need a seeker, come to the try outs." Orion excitedly said. I nodded. I guess quidditch started our friendship because in a few days, I was back to the old Harry like I was to Ron and Hermione but now to Orion.

Tom Riddle POV:

Potter was strange. His held so many secrets and kept to himself. He was tied to the hip with Orion and the Diggory boy. He acted like I was an enemy in a way. Refusing to meet my eye and avoid any interaction with me. People begged for my attention but this boy wanted nothing to do with me. Brushing him off, I focused on trying to find the chamber of secrets. Potter lay at the back of mind until the day I caught him with the house snake again.

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