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"Uhh Riddle, I-I" Harry stammered. " Call me Tom, and explain" I answered. "I'm a descendant of one of the peverall line and ended up having the gift" Harry spoke with more confidence. "And call me Harry then." He added. The glow of the fireplace made him look innocent in the big chair that enveloped him. His messy hair was ruffled and his piercing green eyes watched me. I decided that I liked him looking at me.

"Let's go to sleep then Harry"

Harry PoV
The next day I jumped out of bed and practically ran to the main hall, knowing I was slightly late. When I moved to the Slytherin table, there was sole space next to Tom which usually was occupied. Next to the space was Orion. I sat down next to Tom and Orion, ignoring the looks from the others. People got learn to mind their business,

To be honest I was too worried to care about anything else, what if Tom decided to kill me or something because I could speak parseltongue. I looked up and saw Cedric looking at me with concern. Before I could acknowledge him Tom broke my trance by calling my name. I looked at him, slightly annoyed. "Do you want to go the library with us?". "Sorry, I have a lot of homework to do and I rather do it alone." I answered. The group looked like they were going to faint but Tom just smiled.

Instead of taking the turn to the Slytherin common room, I went towards the kitchens. When I saw Cedric waiting for me, I instantly started running. "I'm screwed Cedric" I spoke. "He knows I'm a parselmouth. What is he decides randomly that I'm a threat?" I spoke softly.

Cedric Diggory POV
I put my hands out and Harry immediately hugged me for comfort. His small body didn't even reach my shoulders. His messy yet beautiful mop of black hair covered my neck, giving me slight tingles.

I stiffened slightly, I don't have a crush on him do I?

I rubbed his back, soothing him.

"Do you want to go to the room of requirement?" I asked. "No, I actually have a lot of homework to do." Harry responded with a small smile on his face. I nodded and watched him leave.

Harry POV
I walked back to the common room, feeling slightly better but paranoid.

"Are you okay?" Orion asked with a concerned look. "Yeah" I answered but Orion kept looking at me in concern.

I started doing my homework and fell asleep in the big chair near the fireplace.

"Harry, Harry, Harry wake up". I woke up and rubbed my eyes. My eyes met Tom.

I stared up and awkwardly tried to make out Tom's features, whilst rubbing the sleep out of my eye.
" Sorry" I whispered before hurrying upstairs. I had not time to socialise, sleep is a priority.

The next morning, I laid in bed and groaned. I had a terrible headache and my body felt like it was being held under a crucio curse. If I moved even one muscle, it drained my energy making me want to shut my eyes and welcome sleep once again.

After a bit of energy, I removed the spells around my body and called for someone.

And to my luck, Tom heard me. It just had to be him.

"You okay?" He asked. "Shall I call a teacher?" Tom asked again but what shocked me was the concerned look on his face. I weakly nodded and awaited for sometime to save me from whatever I had.

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