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Harry woke up in the morning, feeling dreadful. He felt completely cold, his hands had a blue tint to them and he shivered every-time he moved. He knew he was dying and by the looks of it, rapidly. Harry looked up and saw Orion sitting next to him, looking concerned. "Riddle said you weren't feeling well. Are you okay? You must have some serious wizard flu Harry. You scared me when I saw you." Orion spoke, worry lacing his words.

"I'll be okay Orion. Don't worry. Do you know where Tom is?" Harry asked with difficulty. "I'm here" Tom said walking in, he nodded at Orion to go making Harry roll his eyes at the action.

"Harry, I hope you did your nightly thinking because you look like crap. I'm not going to sugarcoat it love." Tom said sternly looking straight into Harry's green eyes. Harry sighed and nodded. He knew he had to do this. He was getting weaker and weaker.

"Read this page Harry, it gives details. You just need to say some words. Everything is ready, incase you worried I swear on my magic that it's legit." Tom spoke softly. Harry glanced over the sheet and looked up "so basically we are getting married but wizard style. Okay I can do with that, at least it's not a dodgy ritual. Wait...Marriage. Tom?" Harry whispered whilst struggling. " It's the only one that is fitting Harry and doesn't involve dark art stuff. Unless we became siblings which I don't really want because it would be incest. Also, Harry there is no one I would rather spend my life with. I know this isn't the most romantic thing but we are saving you Harry so we can make memories when we get older" Tom assured. "I don't want the ministry to know." Harry whispered. "They won't, it won't be registered as we are bonding magically instead on paper, but if questioned we can then do paper. The ministry seems to register it the muggle way"Tom responded.
"Fine" Harry whispered.
"How do you feel Mr Riddle" Tom mumbled in Harry's ear. "Shut up Mr Potter" Harry snapped back causing Tom to laugh.

Harry felt immediately better as soon as the bonding had happened. The colour in his skin started coming back and every movement didn't cause him to curl up. His eyes looked more alert and aware but he still stayed in bed incase. Tom told everyone he had the wizard flu which automatically made people stay away.

Harry sighed and rolled over, in a huff. He was anchored to this world now, time could not get him anymore.  Cedric would have been happy, he would have not wanted Harry to die as well for nothing.

Harry woke up and instantly brushed his hair off his face but felt a metal band hit his face. He stretched his hand out and saw a ring on his finger. It looked like a Slytherin ring but when he didn't focus on it, it just looked like a black band. Harry stared at it more and then looked to his side to see Tom sleeping. " Tom" Harry spoke. Tom opened his eyes eventually and saw Harry staring at the ring. Neither boys said anything, choosing to enjoy the silence more than awkward words.

" I need to start classes tomorrow. Get back to normal life or as normal as it could get." Harry said. Tom nodded in agreement, Harry was literally a bird that was only getting anxious being in bed for so long.

Harry got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up whilst Tom went downstairs.

"My lord, my father has a ball coming up" Abraxas spoke whilst handing a invitation to Tom. "Get Harry's name on the list too Abraxas. He will be coming with me" Tom replied. Abraxas nodded and hurried off to the the owlery. "You got a problem Avery?" Tom demanded making everyone shudder. Tom gave a pure evil stare to Avery, making the surrounding people turn away incase they made eye contact. " No my lord" Avery replied. "Well I hope not, did you not learn from before. You are unbelievably ignorant Avery that I have to think about why I let you live." Tom snarled. Avery immediately masked his emotions, incase he brought more attention to himself.

Harry came downstairs and Tom looked at the stairs wondering who would disturb him but immediately relaxed when he saw it was Harry. Harry looked around and then looked at Tom, already aware of what was going on. An awful idea came into his mind and he spoke "Avery as you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost". Avery looked at Tom and immediately responded "it's nothing, I don't feel well". " Hope you get better." Harry replied before walking to Tom and sitting next to him. Everyone stared at them, they understood the depth of their relationship but it was still hard to witness. Tom mumbled something into Harry's ear making Harry smirk. Everyone knew that they had to be on their best behaviour for the heir had found his love. 

Hey guys, double upload today. Hope you like it :-). I might add a new character in the next upload for the hell of it.

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