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Lessons started today, Harry swiftly got ready and left, ignoring the ominous thoughts he had accumulated since the dream. He could feel a headache coming on, as he ran to the first lesson.

" Harry, you didn't eat breakfast?" Orion questioned as Harry stood next to him, peering above the heads to catch a glimpse of the creature in front. The lesson reminded him of Hagrid's lesson with buckbeak. "I woke up late" Harry answered abruptly after rubbing his head with a sigh. Orion looked back at Harry with concern for his best friend and concern for when Riddle finds out.

After the lesson, Harry excused himself, mentioning a headache. He went back to Tom's Room and laid back down, dismissing the next lessons he had. Orion must have sensed his absence and would be going to alert Tom soon. Harry sighed. Tom's scheming at the Malfoy's event, definitely ended with an agenda, that wouldn't be considered light. With a groan, Harry fell into a slumber.

"Harry!? Harry??" Someone shouted. Harry looked around and saw nobody. He ran into the distance following the sound, but then it started coming from all angles. " Harry?! You abandoned me". Harry screamed and shot up. Sweat trickled down his forehead, as his head started pounding even more than before. Harry cried in desperation. "No, this can't be happening. Cedric is gone. I'm so sorry Cedric. I let you down. I know, I'm sorry. I won't forget you. Please don't. I-I" Harry mumbled back and forth, tears falling down his cheek.
Tom walked towards an empty classroom with the others. "I've been in contact with a few people, and I think a raid is due. A small one. I want to test our abilities out there so we will attack a small part of community for now - no killing, only recruiting for now. Some of the vampires will come with us. Don't let me down, we are not to cause attention to ourselves yet. Do not get too excited, we are still in school, don't let yourself look like amateurs. The place has many houses with wizards and witches, only use magic in concentrated areas of wizards and witches homes to mask your trail, or if your wand is no longer connected to the ministry. This is where the vampires will come useful. We will carry this out on a hogsmeade day, to make it easier to disappear for a day." Tom carried on prepping, choosing several, to actually join.

Tom knew his followers had flaws, and with the raid he could siphon out the ones that truly will succeed with his motive. There was no space for the weak. On top of this, the chamber of secrets Basilisk should be unleashed, Harry was a major role in the first opening but now that he wasn't a part of it, it would be easier. Tom wanted to test the waters with the Basilisk, see some of its potential.
Orion sighed as he walked to the classroom, where he heard a meeting was going on. He was surprised he wasn't let in at the start, but most importantly he should tell Tom of Harry's recent distress and absence. As he walked up to the door , the door refused to budge open. He tried several times but there seemed to be an incantation locked in. Orion turned away in surprise, was he not part of Riddle's schemes no more. He walked back to the common room, assuming it was his age and his connection with Harry. It felt like Harry's doing.

As he entered the dormitory, he saw Harry's bed was empty. A common sight, as Harry normally slept in Tom's room these days. Orion grabbed his cat and bravely walked to Tom's room. " It's Harry in there, I'll be okay, I won't be crucioed by the lord. I'm just checking on him" Orion spoke in a mantra.

As he approached the door, he knocked several times but there was no answer. He tried to open the door in desperation, something wasn't right with Harry, as despair filled his stomach. Orion cursed at the magical ward around the room. This was the second time he couldn't enter a bloody room.

It's been a really long time, over a year to be exact since I last posted. I read some comments left on the previous chapters and felt motivated to write more.
Summary: Tom is busy with his dark lord antics and Harry is being haunted by his past. Orion is trying to speak to Harry and Tom regarding Harry's wellbeing, but he isn't getting anywhere.

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