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Some people live their lives in the moments, spontaneously making decisions as they go. Some people take it slow and plan their future delicately.

Harry lived in the moment, currently that was his only coping mechanism. His life changed around so much, that making plans was useless. Why plan for it to crash down around you?
The astronomy tower was the perfect place to think. Right at the top, the view down below made everyone feel weak at their knees.

Tom and Harry stood side by side holding the railing in silent. A blissful aura filled the air as Hogwarts rejoiced in the fact that the two souls that are meant to be are in close proximity relishing in each other's magic.

Their silence was comfortable. A silence that neither boys had experienced much in their lives. A silence where u could think in peace, and not be interrupted by corrupted facts of the world.

"Harry" Tom spoke breaking the silence. Harry turned and nodded. Tom broke the eye contact  with a kiss. Soft and gentle, a sight that will break many hearts.

It marked the start of their relationship.

SHIT SHIT. I hurried out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I was late. Great, one day without Tom and I'm already a mess. I quickly ran to the great hall to get some last minute breakfast. Many people were already leaving, but I managed to grab some toast.

On the way to class, I met Orion and saw some people follow me from behind.

"Orion, you would think because Tom has some work experience to do, I will be free but no his minions follow me around." Harry snorted. Orion laughed but didn't say anything. He knew if something happened to Harry then someone will pay with their life.

The lesson ended early, and Harry made his way back to the common room, excusing himself for the rest of the day. His head was pounding, making him rub his temples in frustration. Tom's minions watched from afar and noticed the action. They made a mental note to tell their lord tonight when they were asked to report.

Harry cried out in pain and ran to the dorm. Threw open the curtains and immediately laid down. A sleeping potion did the trick.

Downstairs, the two younger Slytherin's (Keele and Jace) went to the fireplace in Slughorn's office discreetly. Tom appeared in a minute.

Keele and Jace told him everything causing
Tom furrow his eyebrows. "I will be back tomorrow night. Abrazas, Avery, Alphard will come back in the morning. You are dismissed in the morning as soon as they come in. Harry is not dumb and with your little experience he probably would have noticed ur following." Tom spoke. "Sorry my lord" They spoke together as Tom left.

The next day, Harry felt no better. He felt a feeling of emptiness, a feeling he hadn't felt in a while. Worry encased him, all the research he done about his situation stated that at some point he will feel withdrawal symptoms for being in the wrong timeline.

Harry ran out of the dorm room and straight to Dumbledore in the transfiguration classroom. Brushing Abraxas who just came back.

"Sir, Sorry to disturb you but my situation is starting to disturb me." Harry spoke whilst trying to take a breath. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "In what way?" He said. "I feel sick." Harry replied. "Time is creeping up. A suggestion I thought about your case maybe you have to make yourself more permanent here." Dumbledore spoke questionably. "Like a bond?" Harry answered. "Indeed." Dumbledore responded. Harry thanked him and walked to the astronomy tower.

A bond. I need a bond. Only Tom knows about me. A bond with him. I would be stuck here but then if I don't do anything I would also die here.

A tear slipped out of his eye as I thought of Cedric. I can't be strong anymore. I just can't think about this. I want to be back home. I want to be with Ron and Hermione.
Tom returned promptly and headed to Abraxas. "Astronomy tower." Abraxas said before Tom could question about Harry. Tom nodded and walked swiftly to the tower.

The sight he saw gave him flashbacks to when he saw Harry mourning a while ago. "Harry" he spoke softly. Harry immediately looked up. "Tom, I don't know what to do" Harry whispered. "What's wrong?" Tom spoke. "Time is killing me".

Hey guys, Hope you like this upload. It took me a while to write this as my motivation kept depleting.
To sum of this upload, Harry has been feeling ill which is a consequence of being in the wrong time. This will eventually kill him, one possible way to prevent this is by making himself more connected to the time he is in.
Next upload, will have more of his difficulties to overcome this.

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