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Hogwarts today seemed to be mourning. Smiles that littered faces and giggles that could be heard from every corridor were silenced. Nobody except Harry and Tom knew about the passing of a certain boy but the castle had picked up on it. A melancholic emotion filled the rooms, not in a malicious way but in a way to honour the boy called Cedric. The boy that ceased to exist in all timelines.

Harry POV

The burden I carried had significantly decreased after telling Tom. My mind was at war with myself, I didn't know if I could trust Tom but Orion told me the concern that washed over his face for me was the most genuine he had ever seen him. Maybe he is good under the evil mask he carries. Maybe he has learnt to love. Who am I to deny when I myself find him endearing. 

I walked out of Tom's room and went to the dorm. Several faces stared at me but I swiftly picked up my bag and hurried out. I blocked out all emotions and went to the great hall to eat. Cedric would have wanted me to carry on. I need to live for him. This is my mess and I'm the one responsible.

I saw Tom look up and watch me reach the table. "Harry, sit here" He spoke. Thankfully, Orion was next to me as well. He is the only one that reminds me of the rare good days Is had before I came here. His face was so similar to Sirus, that sometimes I had to remind myself that I'm not speaking to a de-aged Sirius but his ancestor. I didn't realise I was unresponsive until Tom placed his hand on my hand under the table in concern. I looked up and muttered a sorry. I want this, I really like him but I didn't feel confident at all.

"Orion? Can we fly today? I need a pick-me-up" I asked Orion quietly. He nodded and smiled patting my back in reassurance.

My eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table where I usually saw Cedric since coming here. His seat was not taken as if there was still a whisper of him here, but I shook my head and cursed myself for imagining that. Stick to reality, Harry. It's all you have.

I looked back to the people in front of me and saw Tom scowling at them for a reason I did not know. He is a ruthless person but why can't I see it. 

"Shall we go?" he asked me. I nodded. We got up and so did the rest. I rolled my eyes at them and saw Tom smirk at me, making me chuckle. "Something funny, Harry?" Tom asked amusingly. " Only your rule over your minions. You really should be nicer." I whispered at him. "What's the fun in that" He spoke holding my hand. Warmth seeped through me as we walked to the Potions. I could get used to this or would this end as everything does in my life. Would he suddenly go cold and treat me like nothing. Tom squeezed my hand. I guess I just have to find out.


I visited the chamber of secrets again yesterday during night patrol. I want to take Harry there and show him what I found. His memories of it seemed too dark. I wanted him to see the beauty in the chamber. I know that I am never letting him go, I want him to be there in every turning point of my life as I would be in his.

I'm turning sappy, but the tears that fell down his cheeks, the anxiety that rolled around his magic, made me want to eliminate all his worries. He's too nice for his own good, and I will never let someone taint that. He is mine and I will never let someone hurt what is mine.


Hey guys, I hope you like this upload. I will probably not upload this weekend anymore. It's my birthday today 🥳 🎂 🎉 , so I will try to make the most of a lockdown birthday.

To sum up this upload: Harry is liking the idea of being with Tom and Tom has no intention of leaving Harry anyways. Next upload will probably have them go to the chamber of secrets. :-) oh and if you do not like the idea of me giving little hints about the next uploads, then please comment so I can know.

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