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Harry and Tom started to have more interactions. Little ones from bumping in the corridors to conversations in class. The awkward tension started to bloom into a desire from both ends, as neither could deny and resist the others beauty and persona.

The surrounding audience, find their relationship bizarre. A cold, calculating Riddle and a mysterious, innocent Potter. What had the world come to? However, nobody denied their chemistry and their balance. Even Cedric didn't speak to Harry no more, choosing to isolate himself from everyone whenever he could.

"Harry, Do you love me?" Tom demanded. Harry sat there shocked, the truth serum  had kicked in. He couldn't stop the yes escaping his mouth. "I knew it." Tom responded.

"Tom you think this is some sort of validation for you. You know maybe if you didn't go to such extents like these we would be in a better mood right now to talk about feelings. Don't think I'm gonna start smooching you straight away now that my terrible terrible secret is out." Harry sarcastically spoke.

"I don't get you Harry. Your denial will get you no where. This thing you do where you think you don't deserve anything is bullshit. I know what you think of me in my darkest times. You think what a psycho. He's unchangeable. So don't you think it's the other way around and that I don't deserve anything. I have goals and these pathetic people are just a way to get to them because when you wake in the morning or when you go to sleep at night you are alone. But you Harry. You changed that, because I want to wake up to you and I want to go to sleep with you." Tom replied in a raised voice.

"That's not going to happen Tom. It's not possible, we are the impossible. You want to live forever right. Well I'm not gonna." Harry shouted out. "I know you don't wanna live forever, we will find ways Harry. At least we know we will be together till we are old" Tom spoke normally. "No we don't, what If I don't live till then. Tom you are making a bloody emotional connection with me. You really want to do this. You're a fuckin Slytherin. I will be the one to spill water over all your ambitions." Harry shouted.

"You shit, I already have an emotional connection with you." Tom shouted.

Tom leaned over and immediately kissed Harry, and strangely Harry kissed back.

The next morning, Tom woke up to Harry next to him and he smiled genuinely for a very long time. "I can see you smiling." Harry spoke grumpily.

"Harry you underestimate yourself too much." Tom said whilst moving a lock of hair away from Harry's forehead. "I've lost a lot of people Tom, I know how it feels and I don't want you to feel that way because right now you are the only one that cares. Cedric is just lost. I've tried to speak to him but he's giving up." Harry replied. "Why do you talk like you going to die right now." Tom spoke after a a brief moment of silence completely ignoring the mention of Cedric. " I don't know because maybe I might." Harry replied. " I won't let you." Tom whispered whilst kissing Harry gently.

Harry POV
"My lord, we have... uhh I...sorry" Avery muttered. I looked up and saw Avery standing there as if the floor was going to eat him up. To be honest I think Tom would kill him before that happens because the look on Tom's face was deadly.

"Avery, have you heard of knocking or some common sense" Tom spoke in anger. I blushed slightly, and covered my face, realising that I was pretty exposed to Avery. Tom noticed and looked even more angry. "Get out you idiot, I will deal with you later." He spoke menacingly. Why did I get a chance to see his soft side.

"Sorry Baby, now where were we." He muttered.

I opened my eyes for the second time in the day  and looked around there was nobody in the room. I made my way to the dormitories and picked up the mirror. "Cedric can you hear me?" I muttered but he didn't reply. Worry consumed me. I didn't want to lose the one thing that reminded me of who I was but I knew that I was anyways. "Harry" Cedric replied. Harry jumped in shock. " Cedric! What have you been doing? I need you, don't go Mia. We need to get through this together." I spoke soothingly. "Harry...I can't anymore" Cedric sobbed. I froze. Shit. "I'm dead." Cedric cried out. "What?" I blurted out. " I don't know how but my grandfather is dead. He's dead! Nobody knows In the school, they keeping it quiet. I did this Harry by being here. The past is changing. I have no where to go. My existence is nil." Cedric spoke with no emotions. "I'm coming" I said quickly whilst tears coming out of my eyes.

Avery POV
I paced  the classroom, waiting for Riddle to come. If I don't come out of this room again, I wouldn't be shocked. "Avery, do you ever wish you like were me?" Tom asked scaring me. I didn't reply not knowing what was the right answer. "Answer me" he shouted. "Nobody could ever be like you. I am nothing" I replied strategically. Riddle chuckled. "You all think so logically, at times in the such exposing ways. I mean look at you, you're saying something else and you look like you want to say something completely different.  It's kind of amusing. It's so easy to read you Avery. Your connections make you valuable, but what you saw today was not for anyone's eyes except mine. However, I feel a bit nice today, you know I feel accomplished. I could make you crazy. I could  oblivate random stuff out of your mind making you crazy wondering why there are so many holes in your memories and watch you claw into your mind." Tom spoke cruelly.

"Sorry my lord, Malfoy just saw Potter running out the common room whilst crying" Lestrange interrupted.

"Well today is your lucky day. A simple charm will do. If you ever do that again I will make sure you don't live to even think about it. Oblivate." Riddle snarled. The last thing I saw was Tom leaving the room before I blacked out.

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